Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A rough background on Aquinas
Acquiring the famous reputation as the â€Å"angelic teacher†among the rest of the medieval philosophers because of his overwhelmingly influential and prominent struggle in brilliantly standing on guard the Christian theology during his time which was saw one of the heights of the attacks on Christianity, Thomas Aquinas made use of human reason in resolving the criticisms that beset the Christian Church. Resorting to human rationality and argumentation in providing a substantial justification for the Christian doctrines that meddled specifically on the existence of God symbolized a staunch deviation from the tradition that preoccupied the minds of thinkers during the medieval period. His efforts at utilizing the Aristotelian concepts on metaphysics and epistemology alongside with reason roughly highlights his firm belief that even with the sufficiency of simple faith in establishing religious principles and the very existence of God the role of rational thinking in the strictest sense of the word can all the more fairly demonstrate the basic principles of the Christian faith. One of the most prominent arguments Aquinas proposed is his Five Ways to prove God’s existence. Although Aquinas’ attempt at proving the existence of God has startling parallels to that of Anselm’s Ontological Argument, the former claims that the argument of the latter thinker is unacceptable for the reason that man cannot explicitly demonstrate the existence of God whose nature is beyond the immediate knowledge of man through the straightest means (Oppy). Utilizing what seems to be a sprouting method of his time, Aquinas attempts at filling the structure of the Christian faith by embracing the field of rationality along with faith as the backdrop of his arguments. The Five Ways First of the arguments raised by Aquinas is the argument for The Unmoved Mover. At the center of this argument is the premise that no object moves without a mover, or that all objects move because of a mover in the sense that the leaves of the trees rustle because they are moved by the wind; that the balls in the billiard table collide with other balls or move around the table because of the force delivered through the cue stick. A hundred other more examples can be provided. Nevertheless the very essence of all these illustrations is that no object moves without a mover. Apparently, all the examples eventually lead to an infinite regress where no end can be perceived at first. However, Aquinas tells us that this is not really an infinite regress for there has to be the presence of a first mover which initiated the series of â€Å"movements†. At this point, Aquinas proceeds to remove the infinite regress by arguing that the first mover is God. In a seemingly parallel argument, Aquinas’ second argument rests heavily on cause and effect relation. That is, nothing is caused by itself. In other words, each and every effect ultimately boils down to a certain cause, or that it is of necessity that every effect for it to be an effect in the strictest sense has to be caused by something right at the onset of it being an effect. Again, it might be observed that a line of argument leads to an infinite regress. However, it is not the case for an ultimate cause above anything else has to be responsible for the chain of causes and effects. For that matter, Aquinas resolves the regress by arguing that the first cause is God. This is the uncaused cause argument. The third way offered by Aquinas in primarily proving the existence of God is the cosmological argument. At the core of this argument is the reference to time wherein material objects have not yet come into physical existence. All the objects that we may know today are virtually inexistent at such point in time. However, Aquinas goes on to argue that since all material objects already exist, there ought to be or have been something immaterial or non-physical which brought these objects into physical existence. In essence, Aquinas claims that God is the non-physical entity which brought about the material existence of these objects. Another argument which Aquinas tries to raise is the argument from degree. This argument apparently focuses its premises on certain variations of comparisons between qualities among men and other objects thereby providing a sort of background for yet another claim that all objects in the world, in their numerous manifestations, greatly differ and outweigh any traceable similarity that may hold them together. Thus, individuals may greatly differ in virtues, with one being an altruist and the rest vicious criminals aimed at furthering their personal ends. Nevertheless, even if people vary in these aspects, the contrast between them can only be achieved if we note of a certain referential point for all the degrees of comparison. The reference, then, should be one which is imminently a perfect maximum and that this maximum cannot possibly rest among men themselves. Hence, God is the perfect standard for all comparisons and is the ultimate reference. Lastly, Aquinas raises the teleological argument which is essentially the argument that seeks to prove the existence of God using the perceived design of the objects in the world. If we are to look upon the structure of the things we may either directly or indirectly perceive in the world, it will eventually dawn upon our thoughts that everything has been designed in such and such ways, serving various purposes that are derived from the very configuration of things. Similarly, it can be inferred from such premise that, since everything is so designed accordingly, there ought to be a designer of all these things which is a necessity which follows from the given observation on the design of things. The designer, as Aquinas argues, is God. Aquinas and human knowledge: faith and reason For Aquinas, knowledge is the comprehension of the supreme principles of being which define the very inseparable essences of the ultimate understanding of manâ€â€that of the sophia and phronesis. While the former is very much concerned with the individual’s intellectual capacity to exercise speculative thinking or understanding, the latter is primarily concerned with the aligning of the individual’s life in line with its fitting end through the role of practical wisdom. These two are inherently mutual in conception and are basically brought together in man’s attempt at arriving at the knowledge of everything. Moreover, this attempt of man in obtaining knowledge requires the aid of the Divine in such a way â€Å"that the intellect may be moved by God to its act.†Nevertheless Aquinas maintains that man by himself alone has the intrinsic and innate ability to grasp the knowledge of many things even without the special divine revelation. More specifically, natural revelationâ€â€Ã‚ revelations obtained through reasonâ€â€is the truth which, due to man’s inherent human nature, is made accessible to each and every man. On the other hand, supernatural revelation allows man to comprehend the knowledge on the details of the existence and attributes of God requiring not merely reason but also faith. It should be noted that Aquinas is not entirely disproving the role of reason in arriving at the comprehension of things. Quite on the contrary, Aquinas strongly argues for the primal role of reason in arriving at knowledge. Nevertheless, even if he ascribes a premium weight on the significance of rationality, he qualifies this claim by stating that faith still holds central importance, specifically in acquiring knowledge of the existence of God and several other religious matters. It appears quite obvious, then, that the philosophy of Aquinas in addressing the inquiry on human knowledge of the world cannot be entirely separated from a religious perspective. In explaining the nature of man’s knowledge and how one is able to grasp an understanding of the universe, Aquinas reinforces his arguments at the bottom by infusing a religious strand in the heaps of his epistemological and metaphysical inquiry. Aquinas on Aristotle The philosophy of Aquinas, in its very focal point, is seen to be heavily tainted with the philosophy of Aristotle. Much of this claim, for one reason, rests on the historical perspective wherein several of the writings on the philosophy of Aristotle eventually reached the shores of Europe during the time of the Crusades. The ancient texts were then a part of French as well as Italian universities and institutions of education around the middle part of the thirteenth century. Like Aristotle, Aquinas himself agrees and proposes the claim that man is in fact a rational animal wherein man is able to grasp an understanding of the world and to arrive at knowledge of the Divine through this reason. Though man is an entity imbued with reason, man can merely arrive at such a comprehension of the universe through empirical means. That is, man is capable of grasping knowledge of the world through his sensory experience. As Thomas Aquinas states, â€Å"whatever is known is known in the manner in which man can know it.†Mortimer Adler argues that for the most part, Aquinas and Aristotle agree on several points. First, they both agree that the form of the state of affairs of material composites, which can be made known, must be received by the knower with the form detached from the corporeal substance. Consequently, by possessing the power to acquire such forms in such a way grants the idea that the knower is â€Å"potentially a knower†and is actualized when the knower receives these forms. Among other similarities in the ideas that exist between Aquinas and Aristotle, both in general put centrality on the rationality of man and the role of experience or sensory perception in acquiring or knowing objects. Owing much of the philosophical content of Aquinas’ ideas from Aristotle, the former has a strong belief that reason and human experience can lead man to realizing and understanding the universe and, consequently, the existence of God. And at the time where philosophy is closely knitted to religious matters, Aquinas sought to further reinforce his arguments by injecting Aristotelian philosophy for rationality during the medieval times was one of the factors that seek to explain the universe from a point of view detached from any religious ascription. Thus, Aquinas appears to have ‘Christianized Aristotle’ in the sense that the former made much use of the latter’s philosophy in a context slanted towards religion. (Jenkins) On theoretical knowledge Aquinas conceived of theoretical knowledge as something which is the result of human rationality juxtaposed with sensory observation. That is, one can arrive at theoretical knowledge primarily through an observation of one’s world and arrive at a logical structure and correlation of these things through the functioning of reason. Though Aquinas may direct us to the premise that this rationality of man is imbued to all men by God, nevertheless this same rationality alongside with sensory perception addresses the question on how men are able to satisfy his inquiries on matters which are at first unknown to him. For example, one may acquire the theoretical knowledge on the how the tides of the oceans rise and fall through visual perception first and foremost which later on proceeds with the functioning of reason in attaching causal relations to the observed phenomenon. A similar view can also be held towards volcanic activity, rise and fall of economic activity, and many others. Bibliography Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie's World. Reissue ed: Berkley, 1996. Jenkins, John I. â€Å"Intellectus Principorum.† Knowledge and Faith in Thomas Aquinas. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 101-61. Oppy, Graham. â€Å"Some Historical Considerations.† Ontological Arguments and Belief in God. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 4-46.  Â
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
History of martial law
Brief History of Martial LawOn September 21, 1972, Marcos issued Proclamation 1081, declaring martial law over the entire country , claiming that it was the last defense against the rising disorder caused by increasingly violent student demonstrations, the alleged threats of communist insurgency by the new Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and the Muslim separatist movement of theMoro National Liberation Front (MNLF). One of his first actions was to arrest opposition politicians in Congress and the Constitutional Convention.Initial public reaction to martial law was mostly favourable except in Muslim areas of the south, where a separatist rebellion, led by the MNLF, broke out in 1973. Despite halfhearted attempts to negotiate a cease-fire, the rebellion continued to claim thousands of military and civilian casualties. Communist insurgency expanded with the creation of the National Democratic Front (NDF), an organization embracing the CPP and other communist groups. Under mart ial law the regime was able to reduce violent urban crime, collect unregistered firearms, and suppress communist insurgency in some areas.At the same time, a series of important new concessions were given to foreign investors, including a prohibition on strikes by organized labour, and a land-reform program was launched. In January 1973 Marcos proclaimed the ratification of a new constitution based on the parliamentary system, with himself as both president and prime minister. He did not, however, convene the interim legislature that was called for in that document. Under the president’s command, the military arrested opposition figures, including Benigno Aquino, journalists, student and labor activists, and criminal elements.A total of about 30,000 detainees were kept at military compounds run by the army and the Philippine Constabulary. Weapons were confiscated, and â€Å"private armies†connected with prominent politicians and other figures were broken up. Newspaper s were shut down, and the mass media were brought under tight control. With the stroke of a pen, Marcos closed the Philippine Congress and assumed its legislative responsibilities. During the 1972-81 martial law period, Marcos, invested with dictatorial powers, issued hundreds of presidential decrees, many of which were never published.Like much else connected with Marcos, the declaration of martial law had a theatrical, smoke-and-mirrors quality. The incident that precipitated Proclamation 1081 was an attempt, allegedly by communists, to assassinate Minister of National Defense Enrile. As Enrile himself admitted after Marcos’s downfall in 1986, his unoccupied car had been riddled by machinegun bullets fired by his own men on the night that Proclamation 1081 was signed. Most Filipinos–or at least those well positioned within the economic and social elites–initially supported the imposition of martial law.The rising tide of violence and lawlessness was apparent t o everyone. Although still modest in comparison with the Huk insurgency of the early 1950s, the New People’s Army was expanding, and the Muslim secessionist movement continued in the south with foreign support. Well-worn themes of communist conspiracy–Marcos claimed that a network of â€Å"front organizations†was operating â€Å"among our peasants, laborers, professionals, intellectuals, students, and mass media personnel†–found a ready audience in the United States, which did not protest the demise of Philippine democracy.The New Society Marcos claimed that martial law was the prelude to creating a â€Å"New Society†based on new social and political values. He argued that certain aspects of personal behavior, attributed to a colonial mentality, were obstacles to effective modernization. These included the primacy of personal connections, as reflected in the ethic of utang na loob, and the importance of maintaining in-group harmony and coh erence, even at the cost to the national community.A new spirit of self-sacrifice for the national welfare was necessary if the country were to equal the accomplishments of its Asian neighbors, such as Taiwan and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). Despite Marcos’s often perceptive criticisms of the old society, Marcos, his wife, and a small circle of close associates, the crony group, now felt free to practice corruption on an awe-inspiring scale. Political, economic, and social policies were designed to neutralize Marcos’s rivals within the elite.The old political system, with its parties, rough-and-tumble election campaigns, and a press so uninhibited in its vituperative and libelous nature that it was called â€Å"the freest in the world,†had been boss-ridden and dominated by the elite since early American colonial days, if not before. The elite, however, composed of local political dynasties, had never been a homogeneous group. Its feuds and tensions, fue led as often by assaults on amor proprio (self-esteem) as by disagreement on ideology or issues, made for a pluralistic system.Marcos’s self-proclaimed â€Å"revolution from the top†deprived significant portions of the old elite of power and patronage. For example, the powerful Lopez family, who had fallen out of Marcos’s favor (Fernando Lopez had served as Marcos’s first vice president), was stripped of most of its political and economic assets. Although always influential, during the martial law years, Imelda Marcos built her own power base, with her husband’s support. Concurrently the governor of Metro Manila and minister of human settlements (a post created for her), she exercised significant powers. Crony CapitalismDuring the first years of martial law, the economy benefited from increased stability, and business confidence was bolstered by Marcos’s appointment of talented technocrats to economic planning posts. Despite the 1973 oil pr ice rise shock, the growth of the gross national product (GNP) was respectable, and the oil-pushed inflation rate, reaching 40 percent in 1974, was trimmed back to 10 percent the following year. Between 1973 and the early 1980s, dependence on imported oil was reduced by domestic finds and successful energy substitution measures, including one of the world’s most ambitious geothermal energy programs.Claiming that â€Å"if land reform fails, there is no New Society,†Marcos launched highly publicized new initiatives that resulted in the formal transfer of land to some 184,000 farming families by late 1975. The law was filled with loopholes, however, and had little impact on local landowning elites or landless peasants, who remained desperately poor. The largest, most productive, and technically most advanced manufacturing enterprises were gradually brought under the control of Marcos’s cronies.For example, the huge business conglomerate owned by the Lopez family, which included major newspapers, a broadcast network, and the country’s largest electric power company, was broken up and distributed to Marcos loyalists including Imelda Marcos’s brother, Benjamin â€Å"Kokoy†Romualdez, and another loyal crony, Roberto Benedicto. Huge monopolies and semimonopolies were established in manufacturing, construction, and financial services. When these giants proved unprofitable, the government subsidized them with allocations amounting to hundreds of millions of pesos.Philippine Airlines, the nation’s international and domestic air carrier, was nationalized and turned into what one author has called a â€Å"virtual private commuter line†for Imelda Marcos and her friends on shopping excursions to New York and Europe. Probably the most negative impact of crony capitalism, however, was felt in the traditional cash-crop sector, which employed millions of ordinary Filipinos in the rural areas. (The coconut industry alone brought income to an estimated 15 million to 18 million people. ) Under Benedicto and Eduardo Cojuangco, distribution and marketing monopolies for sugar and coconuts were established.Farmers on the local level were obliged to sell only to the monopolies and received less than world prices for their crops; they also were the first to suffer when world commodity prices dropped. Millions of dollars in profits from these monopolies were diverted overseas into Swiss bank accounts, real estate deals, and purchases of art, jewelry, and antiques. On the island of Negros in the Visayas, the region developed by Nicholas Loney for the sugar industry in the nineteenth century, sugar barons continued to live lives of luxury, but the farming community suffered from degrees of malnutrition rare in other parts of Southeast Asia.Ferdinand Marcos was responsible for making the previously nonpolitical, professional Armed Forces of the Philippines, which since American colonial times had been modeled o n the United States military, a major actor in the political process. This subversion occurred done in two ways. First, Marcos appointed officers from the Ilocos region, his home province, to its highest ranks. Regional background and loyalty to Marcos rather than talent or a distinguished service record were the major factors in promotion.Fabian Ver, for example, had been a childhood friend of Marcos and later his chauffeur, rose to become chief of staff of the armed forces and head of the internal security network. Secondly, both officers and the rank and file became beneficiaries of generous budget allocations. Officers and enlisted personnel received generous salary increases. Armed forces personnel increased from about 58,000 in 1971 to 142,000 in 1983. Top-ranking military officers, including Ver, played an important policy-making role.On the local level, commanders had opportunities to exploit the economy and establish personal patronage networks, as Marcos and the military e stablishment evolved a symbiotic relationship under martial law. A military whose commanders, with some exceptions, were rewarded for loyalty rather than competence proved both brutal and ineffective in dealing with the rapidly growing communist insurgency and Muslim separatist movement. Treatment of civilians in rural areas was often harsh, causing rural people, as a measure of self-protection rather than ideological commitment, to cooperate with the insurgents.The communist insurgency, after some reverses in the 1970s, grew quickly in the early 1980s, particularly in some of the poorest regions of the country. The Muslim separatist movement reached a violent peak in the mid1970s and then declined greatly, because of divisions in the leadership of the movement and reduced external support brought about by the diplomatic activity of the Marcos government. Relations with the United States remained most important for the Philippines in the 1970s, although the special relationship betw een the former and its ex-colony was greatly modified as trade, investment, and defense ties were redefined.The Laurel-Langley Agreement defining preferential United States tariffs for Philippine exports and parity privileges for United States investors expired on July 4, 1974, and trade relations were governed thereafter by the international General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). During the martial law period, foreign investment terms were substantially liberalized, despite official rhetoric about foreign â€Å"exploitation†of the economy. A policy promoting â€Å"nontraditional†exports such as textiles, footwear, electronic components, and fresh and processed foods was initiated with some success.Japan increasingly challenged the United States as a major foreign participant in the Philippine economy. The status of United States military bases was redefined when a major amendment to the Military Bases Agreement of 1947 was signed on January 6, 1979, reaffirm ing Philippine sovereignty over the bases and reducing their total area. At the same time, the United States administration promised to make its â€Å"best effort†to obtain congressional appropriations for military and economic aid amounting to US$400 million between 1979 to 1983.The amendment called for future reviews of the bases agreement every fifth year. Although the administration of President Jimmy Carter emphasized promoting human rights worldwide, only limited pressure was exerted on Marcos to improve the behavior of the military in rural areas and to end the death-squad murder of opponents. (Pressure from the United States, however, did play a role in gaining the release of Benigno Aquino in May 1980, and he was allowed to go to the United States for medical treatment after spending almost eight years in prison, including long stretches of time in solitary confinement. )On January 17, 1981, Marcos issued Proclamation 2045, formally ending martial law. Some contr ols were loosened, but the ensuing New Republic proved to be a superficially liberalized version of the crony-dominated New Society. Predictably, Marcos won an overwhelming victory in the June 1981 presidential election, boycotted by the main opposition groups, in which his opponents were nonentities.
Monday, July 29, 2019
basic problem that can be seen in (MRP) Material requirement planning
basic problem that can be seen in (MRP) Material requirement planning Exercise 2 Material Requirement Planning for each part and Sub-Assembly a. It has been done in the attached excel sheet. b.Problems The basic problem that can be seen in MRP is the decision that the company should take with respect to procuring a sub-assembly directly or manufacturing it by using the raw materials. It has been seen that even though the lead time of the raw material like rubber face is 10 weeks, it is economical to manufacture the product through it. This is because, there has been enough time given before the first set of demand is predicted by the company. Hence, it is useless for the company in both cases to procure handle assembly or face assembly directly. The standard cost of manufacturing with the given lead times has cost it lesser. Also, one has to keep track of availability of all the materials so that the final product can be manufactured. Hence, maintaining unnecessary inventory to the maximum is the biggest challenge in this entire MRP design. No te: As procuring handle assembly directly costs more than making it through raw materials, hence handle assembly has been made with raw materials taking appropriate lead time and EOQ into account. The same concept has been used for face assembly as well in the MRP. c. Alternatives For any further problem that the company identifies, it is appropriate that it is able to analyse the costs of all the sub-parts and sub-assemblies even before the actual forecasting is done. This would not put on into a dilemma as to how to approach the same. Also, the company has given the starting week of sales from week 13 which is far too late. MRP should be done on a closer basis so that none of the days get wasted. Here, we can see that none of the sub-parts required the first or second week of work. At the same time, one has to maintain least possible inventory. Exercise 3 It has been done in the attached excel sheet Exercise 4 It is certain that the average inventory value of the co mpany would increase with the imposition of safety lead time. The reason for the same is that initially it had been planned that while justifying the lead time of all the sub-parts, one would endeavour for least possible inventory. In all the cases, zero-inventory has been maintained over the exercise except for those occasions where there was initial inventory on week 1 itself. Even this has been used judicially so that the company is not left with the inventory once the sales proceeds as predicted by the company management of Psycho Sports. Hence, efficiency on this ground is certain to decrease this way hence raining the average inventory. Also, it is important to note here that while the safety lead time had been imposed, a number of sub-parts where procured to be remained in inventory without having any processing done. This also raises the cost of inventory for the company. But as it brings safety, there is lesser amount of risk involved in keeping the same. The exact values o f the same have been shown in the attached excel sheet. This safety lead time only decreases the dependency on the sales department of the company on achieving the exact sales in the week specified.
MBO program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MBO program - Essay Example Employees are also made to understand how their individual contributions influence overall success of business objectives. Drucker and other management experts have identified six steps in the MBO process. The first step is Motivation, whereby employee's inputs are considered and respected in setting goals for each individual. The keywords during this step are 'empowerment', 'job satisfaction' and 'commitment'. By involving themselves directly in the goal setting process, it is believed that employees will show more commitment to the success of the organization. The next step of the process is about ensuring that proper communication and coordination exists between managers and employees so that performance reviews are conducted in an open and transparent manner. By making the goals clear both management and workers can be expected to be on the same page. The six steps involved in MBO can be summarized as follows: Setting the overall business goals; Setting goals pertaining to depart ments within; Deliberating within departments in order to achieve a consensus; Agreeing upon commonly understood and discussed goals; Setting goals for individual employees; and finally Monitoring performance against set goals.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle - Essay Example In addition, when one realizes that Aristotle is attempting to inculcate good habits in people, along with a good state of character, a better context is drawn around his claims. That is, if one acts generally toward a mean of two vices, this will lead to a better outcome than acting toward vices. In modern terms, in which morality is cast as a matter of doing the right thing in various sorts of specific cases, this seems like an outdated model of conducting moral arguments. To the contrary, this idea of virtue as a meanâ€â€instead of virtue as right actionâ€â€faces fewer destructive arguments than the latter perspective and is ultimately easier to defend philosophically. From an intuitive standpoint, Aristotle’s approach is appealing. Firstly, in our daily living, a moral action is one that depends on balance between two extremes. For example, the ideal middle ground between running into a burning building to saving people (stupidity) and doing nothing out of fear (cowardice) is the act of doing what you can reasonably do in order to save lives (bravery). Secondly, the mean is intuitive in itself in all cases. Our language is broad enough to encompass all possible middle grounds between vices that we might consider excesses. Language, insofar as it guides us to a means, is constructive in determining our moral code. For example, a speaker of the English language knows what it means to be starving and gluttonous, that these are extremes, and that satiation is the mean between them. Aristotle defines a virtue as a state of character in Book II, Chapter 6 of the Nicomachean Ethics, which prompts a treatment of virtue as a mean.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Case study and Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Case study and Questions - Essay Example This is not environmentally sustainable as it contributes tremendously to global warming. For this reason, automobile companies have consistently tried to alter their respective products in order to accommodate emission abatement targets set by their governments. One uncertainty that pervaded automobile industry players is the availability of infrastructure required to make their technologies work. It is for this reason that ethanol vehicles, compressed natural gas fuels, hybrid electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuels cells have failed. Most of these companies entered the market with the hope of providing more sustainable alternatives. However, they did not live up to expectations because there were no dedicated networks of refueling stations, pipelines, storage and transmission of the fuel sources. Efficiency has also been a key uncertainty in personal transportation as consumers often expect value for money. Most of the conventional automobiles in the market did not use their value sources efficiently, so this caused wastage and required greater consumer expenditure in order to make up for the lost energy. Several companies have been trying to introduce new automobiles that would consume most of the fuel and whose lifecycle was not expensive. Ethanol vehicles failed at this attempt because agricultural expenditure and the overall cost of producing food crops were costlier than the savings garnered from the automobile technology. Similarly, this problem has plagued a number of sustainability-driven auto firms as critics claim that the efficiencies enjoyed by consumers were offset by large scale producers of electricity or any other green energy. Therefore, organisations have been striving to maintain a balance between energy efficiency and cost efficiency. Consumers require a vehicle that is practical, or one that can
Friday, July 26, 2019
Interactive Behaviour at Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Interactive Behaviour at Work - Essay Example Poor communication in the organisation, lack of family-friendly policies, distressed interpersonal relationships, conflicting job expectations and career concerns are the issues that only add up to the degenerating spirit of the sales staff. The above listed internal issues of this organisation are becoming the root cause of declining revenue, which is one of the main corporate goals of this or any business. The sales staff is given sales targets that are unrealistically high, and the policies are such that upon failure to achieve these targets, the respective employee's job will be terminated. With such policies, employees are unable to work diligently and up to their optimum calibre. Instead, the staff is continuously on the outlook for other job opportunities, which steals their attention from their work even more. The dilemma of the situation is that the employees do not feel comfortable having a discussion with their management regarding such chronic work issues. High employee turnover results in a haphazard sort of scenario in the workplace. New employees that are recruited in place of the departing people are not properly oriented or introduced to the existing staff. There is no team building in result of such ma lpractice and work uncertainty and job insecurity is on the rise. The department of sales in any organisation has to have dynamic and outgoing human resources in order to function properly. For such a situation to exist, the managers and superiors of the department must adopt such strategies and policies that a free flow of communication be inherent. This flow of communication should be both upward and downward so that the right decisions are taken at the right time. The essence of such a system is in the involvement of employees in the work scheduling and goal setting process. In any organisation, the main corporate goal is achieved by setting and accomplishing middle and lower level goals and targets. These middle and lower level goals are achieved after proper planning, organising and controlling. If the goal itself is not set with the right vision, tasks are not organised in the proper well-chalked out manner, resources are not deployed in the most productive and effective way, then there is no way that the organisation will achieve its mission fruitfully. Such a mismanaged situation persists in the sales department of Business Plus TV channel. The goal setting process in any department of any organisation is a sensitive procedure requiring high level of expert and knowledgeable input. The department under study is engaged in the setting of targets that are neither smart nor realistic. These targets are overly demanding and instead of boosting efforts on the employees' end, these are putting unreasonable pressure on the staff. Besides, the designing of the task is such that the workers are over burdened with high levels of time pressures. Inflexible work schedules unpredictable and long hours are the results of the unorganised task design. The horror of losing jobs in case of failure to achieve the assigned targets are aggravating the pressure and strain amongst employees. The staff is dissatisfied and insecure with little hope of career development. The over all culture of the workplace is confined sort with poor communication, low level of support for problem solving and personal development and lack of definition of orga nisational objectives. This organisation faces the unsound and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Tensile testing Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tensile testing - Lab Report Example Data from the test is either collected through a data acquisition system and subsequently plotted using appropriate software or plotted using an X-Y plotter. The data typically consists of the load applied to the specimen and the extension or the stress and strain (since the initial cross sectional area of the specimen and gauge length are constants both the load v extension and stress v strain graph have the same shape); a typical plot for a metallic material is shown in figure 2. Tensile specimens may have a variety of cross-sections, although rectangular or cylindrical ones tend to be more common, and may be in a machined or unmachined state. The geometry of a typical specimen is shown in Figure 3, where (note that the nomenclature may vary): The mechanical properties typically derived from a tensile test include the yield stress (or more commonly the offset proof stress), tensile strength (stress), elastic (or Young’s) modulus, percentage total extension at fracture and reduction in cross-sectional area. A more detailed explanation of the range of properties that may be determined from a test and the analysis involved may be found in BS EN ISO 6892-1:2009 and ASTM E8M. It is good practice to test to a standard such as these as they stipulate various parameters, such as the speed of testing (the rate at which the load is applied) and shape of the specimen, which may affect the results obtained, although some companies will have their own procedures that will ensure compatibility between tests within that company. Stress is usually indicated by the Greek letter ÃÆ' (sigma) or S and is the measure of the force per unit area. It has the units N.m-2 or Pa (Pascal) (megapascals, MPa, are more commonly used, these being 106 x N.m-2 (106 Pa) or, due to the magnitude of the values encountered). Strain is usually indicated by the Greek letter ÃŽ µ (epsilon) or e and is the amount a material
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Regression Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Regression - Research Paper Example I retrieved my data from STATS Indiana. Three or four decades ago, cars in the United States were bought out of only necessity. People used to purchase cars not for laxity, but due to various factors such as for convenience purposes. In the last two decades, however, the world in general has moved on from this kind of situation. People no longer buy cars out of necessity, but rather, people buy cars for luxurious reasons. The United States, and Marion County in the state of Indiana to be specific, is no different. Motor vehicles of different models are purchased round the clock, for many reasons other than necessity (Riley 1). The automobile industry in Marion County is one of the most active among all industries within the county. In the recent years, the number of motor vehicles operating on the road has been going up steadily. There are various factors that contribute to this upward trend. The factors influencing the above trend may be well discussed if grouped into various categories. First and foremost, population is the most influencer of the rate at which cars are bought. In this paper, the population is considered both for the local and immigrants. The other factor is age. Age, in Marion County, is a major determinant of car ownership. Employment is another factor which highly determines the general purchasing power of the population. This paper, therefore, examines each and every of these contributing or influencing factors, determining how each one contributes, negatively or positively, to the selling and purchasing trends in the motor vehicle industry. In every business industry, there are market forces that determine the rate at which the goods and/or services in that particular industry are sold or purchased. These market forces are demand and supply. These are the only determinants of sales and purchases in any particular industry in any particular country. The market forces
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Applied economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Applied economics - Essay Example ucted to establish the functions of human capital earnings and its impacts on the decomposition of the periodic earnings into linear function forms, in which the log of earnings serve as both the function of schooling measure in terms of years of experience in work and other factors representing heterogeneity within a cross-section sample of people observed, and dependent variables. This simple statistical model has however been faced by some limitations, i.e., biasness in the estimation of returns to education and endogeneity in the schooling variables. As a positively correlated function of the unobserved variable of ability, people with varied ability to work and learn are in most instances a better position to school for longer periods; hence this enhanced ability will have a reflection of higher wages within their occupations. Additionally, existence of a symmetric correlation between any of the independent variables such as schooling and the error term in an OLS regression can consequently lead to bias in the estimates. In this case, effects of ability/heterogeneity have to be random in the sample to avoid positive correlations. Card (1999) explored the causal relationship of education on earnings, and explicitly the study analysed the heterogeneity between schooling of twins in contrast to their earnings. The assumption in the study was that twins would have the same ability and other external influences so that differences in wages could be more accurately associated with differences in education. Card used the pooled sample of men and women standing up to 198,075 aged from 16 – 66 during the years 1994 to 1996. In this given time frame, the study targeted the differences between individuals having 10, 12 and 16 years of schooling to their returns. An OLS regression analysis was used to inspect the human capital earning with variety of hourly, weekly and annual earnings. The study findings explored an interesting impact of an instrumental factor family
Comptemcy Goal Essay Example for Free
Comptemcy Goal Essay Candidate develops a warm positive, supportive, and responsive relationship with each child, and helps each child learn about and take pride in his or her individual and cultural identity. To Support social and emotional development and provide positive guidance in toddlers I explain the reasons for limits and rules in simple words, demonstrating whenever possible. I also talk about rules and limits in words that children can understand. â€Å"You can not hit. Hitting hurts. When you are mad, you can jump up and down or stamp your feet or come to me for a hug. †To Support social and emotional development and provide positive guidance I talk with preschoolers about â€Å"good touching†and â€Å"bad touching†as a way of preventing sexual abuse. I help preschool children start to identify how good touch feels as opposed to bad touch. I tell them that hugging and cuddling is good and healthy and will help them feel confident. I also talk about feelings and explain the range of emotions we all feel and that these emotions are good to have. Functional Area 9: Social Candidate helps each child function effectively in the group, learn to express feelings, acquire social skills, and make friends, and promotes mutual respect among children and adults. I give the children the opportunity to learn cooperate and social interact with each other. I provide a social and emotional development in this area by providing a positive relationship with the children. I help the children with developing with the social skills and problem solving skills to ability to act independently. I encourage the children to learn to communicate with the other children. I learned that having a positive attitude with the parents encourages them to have a positive attitude with there children. Also communicate with the parents. I encourage social and emotional development and to provide a positive relationships through the daily interactions. I try to engage the feeling acceptance in the group and by helping the children to communicate and get alone with the children. I also have a healthy relationship with the children, parents, teacher’s, service providers and any one who is a part of our day to model for the children. Functional 10: Guidance Candidate provides a supportive environment and uses effective strategies to promote children’s self-regulation and support acceptable behaviors, and effectively intervenes for children with persistent challenging behaviors. I have realistic expectations about the children’s attention spans, interests, social and physical abilities, and needs. One way I provide positive guidance is I anticipate confrontations between children and diffuse negative behavior and model positive behaviors.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Road Accidents Malaysia Essay Example for Free
Road Accidents Malaysia Essay Nowadays, road accidents are very common in Malaysia. Everyday we read newspaper we also can saw many news about there are many peoples involved in the road accidents. First of all, what is means by road accidents? Road accidents are means that when some automobile crash together or the vehicle crash on the side of the road or the peoples at the road. According to the sources from Royal Malaysian Police (n.d), there is a statistic mentioning the number of the road accidents from the year 1998 until the year 2006. I realize that the total numbers of road accidents happen in each year of the year 1998 until year 2006 are reach six digit of number. This is huge and terrible numbers, and from the statistic it also stated that five to six thousands peoples dead in a year because of involved in the road accidents. On the other hand, it also means that, every year there is five to six thousands peoples losing of their love member such as, love partner, family members and so on. The number of road accidents is also increased from the year 1998 until the year 2006. The number of road accidents is increased from three hundred thousand until five hundred thousand. There are many types of vehicle on the road, such as motorcycle, bus, car, taxi and goods vehicle. According to the statistic from the Royal Malaysian Police (n.d), it claims that, car is like the water in a human body, it stand 75% to 80% out of all types of vehicle which carried the number two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand out of the total road accident happen in the year 1998 until 2006. As we know that, Malaysia is a multinational country, there are many different types of religion in Malaysia. All different types of religion will celebrate their own festival such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Years, Happy Deepavali and so on. Almost all Malaysian will go back to the hometown for the celebration. During the season of the festival, road accident will happen more often compare to the normal day. According to LegalMatch (n.d), they believe that, there are several causes of road accident such as, the behavior of driver, mechanical failure, road conditions and also weather. We as a Malaysian we need to reduce the number of road accident by some solutions and it will be discuss more detail in the following paragraph. Lets discuss about the first categorize of road accidents which is because of the driver behavior. According to LegalMatch (n.d), they agree that driver behavior is one of the causes of road accident, and they also claim that there are 98% of road accidents happen because of the distracted driver. There are many types of driver behavior that will cause road accident and most of the driver would not realize that those actions are dangerous while driving. The first types of driver behavior that will cause road accidents are on phone while driving. Mobile phone now is very advanced in technologies even can watch television programs by online. Some of the drivers use this kind of technologies while they are driving. As we know that we just have a pair of eyes and we cannot watch the road and the phone on the same time. On this situation we will lack of concentration and it will cause us involve in the road accident. Beside that, some driver also use the mobile phone to sending Short Messages Services and on call whiles they driving. The second types of driver behavior are the driver adjusting the radio or the CD player while they driving. After we finish heard the CD we will change another CD for some different songs. Lets imagines if the car in on drive and the driver are trying to find for the other CD from the dashboard, this is will cause some of the moment the driver will not notice the conditions of the front road and this will cause the accident occur. There are also high possible chances of accidents will happen if we are trying to adjust the radio tunnel when we are driving. The third types of driver behavior are drunk driving. According to the articles by Alcohol Problems and Solutions (n.d) they insist that a driver with high blood alcohol content (BAC) has the higher risk will involve in car accidents. This is because when a person with high BAC will affect the person coordination and this have been proved by Alcohol Problems and Solutions (n.d). There is an experiment show that, a person is trying to write such words â€Å"Drinking doesnt affect my driving†before drunk and after drunk. The result show that, the person after drunk will write the words more blur and unallocated. On the other hand, it also means that if we are drunk driving we will drive in the blur condition, and it will cause road accident. Rubbernecking and tailgating also the causes of road accidents. First of all, what is means by rubbernecking? According to LegalMatch (n.d) they claim that, rubbernecking is the driver slow down their cars watching what is going on because of their curiosity and tailgating is means by the driv er are follow the front car with a very close distance. When on the highway there is an accidents happen, some of the people will because of curios slow down their cars to watch what was happen, but if there are a person on tailgating the accidents will happen. This is because if there is highway all people are driving with speed and the situation is tailgating. Thus the person will unable to break their car immediately and the tailgating car will crash on the rubbernecking car. Mechanical failure is consider a category that will cause road accidents. When we talk about car, ask yourself do you service your car at the fixed particular of period. Do you even service your car? We cannot simply look down on the car maintenance. This is because some of the error will happen if we do not service our car and it will cause the road accidents. One of the errors is the lack of breaking system, when we do not service our car we do not know whether our break pad is still in a good condition. If the break pad is not in a good conditions it will ca use break failure. Which is also means that, we cannot stop our car when we on driving. This is very dangerous and will cause the road accidents. Beside that, car wipers out of function also make the road accident occur. Imagine that, when we drive on the road and suddenly heavy rain until we cannot look clear at the front of the road. In such situation if the car wipers out of functions we cannot even drive anymore which it also means that we need to stop down our car immediately. It will cause the following car crash on our car because of the heavy rain hard to control the car speed and handling the emergency stop situation that need to face. Tires are also one of the important parts of a car. Without tires the car cannot move, it also bring other means that, if a car suddenly face tires blow up the car will lost of control because of without the tires car cannot be move. When we lost of control it might cause us crash on the side of the road, even there is possible we will crash with other cars on t he road. Beside that, the road conditions also under the road accidents categorize. Oily road is one of the road conditions will cause road accidents. This is because if the road is oily we will easily lost of control because of the tires cannot move in a normal condition when face the oil on the road and will get in drift. Accident will be happen when the car lost of control. Hole on the road also will cause road accident. By the way, why the road will have hole? This is because the roads are long time ago and less of maintenance from government or even if the place is under construction the area of the road also will have many holes because of construction lorry often use the road. Why do hole on the road will cause road accidents? Lets imagines when we using the road at the night and the road are lack of road light. Such road will cause the motorcycle easy get in the hole and injury because of motorcycle is lack of brightness looks clear the conditions of the road. Nowadays as we can se e that rubbish is everyway on the road. Lets seek for the truth, ask yourself do you throw rubbish on the road before? Just assume that a Malaysian just throw one rubbish on the road the road will full of rubbish. Accident will occur when the road is much rubbish. This is because when we using the road we will try to avoid the rubbish. In addition, if we do not notice the car from our back or side we might crash with them when we are trying to avoid the rubbish. The last categorize of road accident is because of the weather. Weather is a significant point that we need to view before we are going out to any place. In Malaysia there are only two types of weather which is raining season and muggy day. Raining season will cause us hard to looks in front of the road if there the rain is over heavy. When there is an over heavy rain it will make us hard to estimate the distance between our cars with the car in front of us. Even the road condition we also cannot estimate because of over heavy rain. This will cause the possibility of happen accidents getting high. Muggy day is also as a killer sometimes. This is because when we are driving in the muggy day, we will easily get to asleep because the light sharp into our eyes and the situation in the car is very comfortable because of the cool from air condition. When we fall asleep, we will easily get in to accidents because we do not know that we are driving to where and will cause us crash on the side of the road or crash with other cars on the road. We as a Malaysian we need to reduce the number of road accidents. We cannot let the number of road accident increase anymore. First of all, we need to do best on our own responsibility. There are some solutions to reduce the number of road accidents. â€Å"Car maintenance†is one of the solutions. We need to ensure our car is being service on the fixed particular period. This is for check out whether our car is still on safe conditions for us to drive or there is any mechanical failures occur such as break failure, tires, wipers, and so on. Beside that, â€Å"rest†it is also a very significant rule that we need to be prepare before we drive. We need to ensure that we have enough sleep before we are drive. This is to make sure that when the muggy day we not easily get to asleep. Furthermore, with enough rest we can be more patient, put more effort to control our emotion and pay more attention while drive. Everyday before we go out we need to read the news of weather forecast. We need to ensure that the day is good weather and would not have any storming rain, if there are storming rain try to avoid go out. Mobile phone and cigarette should keep away while on driving. Try to avoid using mobile phone sending short message services and do not smoke while driving. As we know that, god just created a pair of hand for us to live in this world. If we use a hand to smoke or using mobile phone we would not have enough hand to control the steering while we take U-turn. The last matter we need to do prevention is not involved in drunk driving. Drunk driving is very dangerous we need to remember that, there is always some significant person in our life waiting for us to go back home with safety. Moreover, according to Nordin (n.d), he claims that government also takes lot actions to reduce the numbers of road accidents. The most popular actions known as â€Å"OPS Sikap†, this actions is take by government when there is festival season and the durations of this actions is fifteen day period during the main festival such as Chinese New Years and so on. This action is taking by the government for stop the people over speed when driving back to the hometown. If there is any person over speed limits driving will get summons from the policeman and the payments of the summons is higher compare to the normal day. Government also provides road maintenance such as patching the hole on the road to ensure the road is safety to use. Beside that, government also plan to build more street light on the road, this is to ensure the road are enough lightning and all people can be more safety to use the road. In addition, government also plan to build more pedestrian crossing to ensure all people can cross the road without taking the risk being crash by a car on the road. In the media side, government try to advertise some slogan to alert all people more careful when using the road such as, â€Å"Do not make the red colour become yours last view†, â€Å"Ensure your helmet are wearing properly†, â€Å"Make sure you have giving direction signal before you take a turn†and so on. As a conclusion, there are a lot causes of road accidents but the main causes of road accidents occur is because of driver behavior. I think moral are play a very significant role in our life, it teach us how to love other person and ourselves but before we love other person we need to learn how to love ourselves and appreciate the life that have been given by god for us. We as a driver, we need to responsibility for what we have done, cannot done some actions that might cause accident occur or injury other person such as, on phone while driving, drunk driving and so on. Those actions are really dangerous if we do it when we are drive because we cannot control the car well with doing such actions. Remember that, our family member are always worried about us and carried about us. There is no peoples are wishing to involve in a road accidents, it is really a tragedy it make a lot of people lost of their family member. Beside that, all Malaysian should be cooperating to reduce the number of road accidents and our slogan â€Å"Malaysia Boleh†. REFERENCES Abdul Rahman, N, Road safety situation in Malaysia n.d. Retrieved: November 13, 2007, From: Common causes of car accidents lawyers n.d. Retrieved: November 12, 2007, From: Royal Malaysian Police, Table 1.10 n.d. Retrieved: November 13, 2007, From: Read more:
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Piezoelectric Energy Home Analysis
Piezoelectric Energy Home Analysis 1.0 Introduction In Malaysia, each house using electricity at Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). With the use of electricity, the family in each house to do the activities and generate electrical appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and others. Basically when using a lot of electricity, home users should pay a lot of bills. Some homes also have alternative energy like solar, water and wind, but it has disadvantages because of the use of solar energy they generate during the day camp only. While water and wind requires strategic places to generate electricity. Piezoelectric Energy Home more aimed at people always use a lot energy. Nornally piezoelectric energy home is a useful the future alternative energy. In the United States, China and Japan the consumer use this piezoelectric energy home as an alternative energy. At firstly, this piezoelectric is difficult owned alternative energy but in the future, people will easily get and use piezoelectric to help with the saving of energy costs and also a particularly safe environment. 1.1 Problem Statement By using the kinetic energy, consumers can reduce electricity use from Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). In addition, it is the best alternative energy because it will be produced day and night. In addition, it can generate anywhere and can be used on anyone. The kinetic energy function using the piezoelectric system [1]. It is a very easy method to tread plates, electrical energy will be generated and stored in the bank energy (battery) [3]. Bank staff will show the amount of time and energy to live and then send the electricity to electrical equipment (air conditioning) [2] is determined by the user. 1.2 Project Objective The objective of this project is to design a piezoelectric energy home with the following features: To design piezoelectric system to generate electricity from vibrations. To apply the electrical energy produced to any electrical appliances. To evaluate the voltage produced varies with level and value. 1.3 Project Scope These following scopes are listed to ensured to ensure the project is heading the right direction and achieve the objectives: The board size is 27cm wide and 45cm long will convert the mechanical energy in electrical energy (piezoelectric system). Use the preteus 7 professional software and mikoelektromika software for C language programmers to LCD display (162) the level and value voltage at the battery charging. Can supply electrical appliances which has a capacity 100-220V 50-60Hz for example notebook adapter, hair dryer, curling iron and other things. Chapter 2 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Overview This chapter describes the literature review which is related to this piezoelectric energy home project. Information about the piezoelectric energy home has been studied from different resources to perform this project. This chapter also carried out the whole project to gain knowledge and skills needed to complete this project. Those sources from thesis and journals will help to identify problems as well as giving ideas for analysis and decision making in this project. The technology that involved or already produced is studied. Study of the PIC, piezoelectric and other circuit used are conducted by referring the previous project that had been done. 2.2 Description of previous project system 2.2.1 Third Order Longitudinal Mode Piezoelectric ceramic transformer and its application to high-voltage power inverter Journal authors [1] pointed out that Figure shows the structure of the in investigated piezoelectric transformer which can operate in the third order longitudinal vibration mode. Triple Stacked tranformer which elements are thin piezoelectric ceramic esare available in the transformer. The transformer has symmetrical secondary electrodes trip at the center of it and a primary electrodes at both ends of the transformer. Figure Structure of triple-layered piezoelectric transformer operating in the third order longitudinal vibration mode. New PZT Actuator Using Piezoelectric Thin Film on Parallel Plate Structure Journals authors [2] display from the Figure shows parallel beam structure. Square hole is mode through the rectangular solid. Then the thin parallel beam structure is constructed. Section modulus of parallel beam is decreased by square hole. Parallel beam structure has many significant features as such: Piling up the the basic structures, we can increase displacement. We can increase rigidity by changing parallel beam thickness. Tip moves in parallel at the end and stiffness to the vertical direction is large. When displacement of the tips is small, stress of the structure is big. Figure Parallel Beam Structure 2.2.3 Vibration Active Control of Fluid Pulsation Based Piezoelectric valve In Figure the journal author [3] describes about structure of the piezoelectric direct drive servovalve is illustrated. It mainly consists of piezoelectric stacks, sleeve, spool and displacement sensor. The annulus piezoelectric stacks, which have holes in the center at drive the spool. When voltage whose amplitudes are equivalent but inverse phases are applied in the two piezoelectric stacks is a elongates and the other simultaneously shortens. Next the spool will move to the special direction the displacement sensor in the hollow of the piezoelectric stack can measure the displacement of the spool. Figure Schematic configuration of the piezoelectric direct drive servivalve 2.2.4 Analysis of Active Vibration Control for Piezoelectric Intelligent Structures by ANSYS and MATLAB Journals authors [4] describes the start of the piezoelctric actuator is operating vibration response containing the revocation of an object used to activate piezoelektric vibration control method. As shown in Figure the output controller will be control the output signals to the actuators and control subjects in the under control. It also use a sensor that can see vibration of the piezoelectric plate or other structure to move the intelligent actuator controller in accordance with the output. In addition, if the actuatorâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s output is equal to the vibration response of the structure, least be suppressed or vibration of the structures should be controlled. Figure : Schematic diagram of active vibration control system 2.2.5 Wireless Drive of a Piezoelectric Plate by Dipole antenna Journals authors [5] states piezoelectric plate to the electric field plate shaped transmit he live and ground electrodes are used to form a dipole antenna like structure like live and ground electrodes of the dipole antenna from the piezoelectric plate is placed in a plane perpendicular to the electrodes and equidistant. Figure shows the mode of operation to determine the thickness of the piezoelectric wireless configuration. The material in the plates of lead zirconate titanate piezoelectricu (PZT) ceramic and poled along the thickness direction. The silver electrode on the plate at the top and bottom surfaces. Vibration the applied electricity field direction and both are parallel to the poling direction. The real power at the plate and delivers a load is measuring resistor connected across the two electrodes. Figure Configuration of wirelessly driven piezoelectric plate operating in the thickness mode. 2.2.6 A Research on the Piezoelectric Vibration Actuator for Mobile Phone Journals authors [6] states used in the horizontal diplacement of piezoelctric vibration device. The best way to get elestic body goes through polarized piezoelectric ceramaic plate and the piezoelectric ceramic is a good structure, design and type of parallel bimorph. The piezoelectric vibration device compasition to make the piezoelectric actuator is 0.1 Pb(Ni1/3Nb1/3Sb1/3)O3 to 0.9 Pb(Ni1/3Nb1/3Sb1/3)O3. A vibration device joined piezoelectrictric ceramic two plate plates sized by 25x12x0.1mm3 and phosphor-bronzer size by 28x12x0.1mm3 to two liquid types of epoxy. Figure Running principle. Inverter Inverter circuit serves to convert DC to AC voltage. The inverter circuit to produce a stable output as a integrated circuit CD4047. Astable multivibrator output is due to produce 4.40 RC (pulse width) and the monostable multivibrator output will be produce 2.48 RC (pulse width). After that, the signal will be go to the transistor used as amplifiers. This alows the signal to rise and generate the appropriate signals to produce a stable voltage when arrives the transformer. Battery A battery or voltaic cell is a combination of one or more electrochemical Galvanic cells which store chemical energy that can be converted into electric potential energy, creating electricity. The battery is the primary source of electrical energy. It stores chemicals, not electricity. Two different types of lead in an acid mixture react to procude an electrical pressure. This electrochemical reaction changes chemical energy to electrical energy. Chapter 3 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes how the project developed and what methods will be used and describes the methodology and approach taken in the project. This project consists hardware designing, circuit and of software development. A number of support tools such as PICkit and USB programmer will be used to assist on software and hardware development. Research and literature review which are related must be made before starting this project. Information from similar projects, theory about the microcontroller, piezoelectric and inverter circuit that intended to be used in this project need to be studied. By doing research from the previous works, relevant idea could be generated in order to implement this project. 3.2 Project development Project development consists of two parts hardware and software designs. 3.2.1 Hardware design For hardware design, the circuit is divided into several units based on its functionality. The units are piezoelectric unit, microcontroller unit, power supply unit, inverter unit and interface unit. The piezoelectric unit function for produces mechanical power to electric power and moving the battery. The microcontroller circuit functions as the processor of this battery to show the level and value voltage in interface unit. The power supply unit, it plays major rules in distributing the power to the other unit according to the requirement of the system such as if the microcontroller unit requires 5V voltage, the power supply unit will provide 5V supply to the microcontroller unit. Finally, the electric moving the inverter unit to convert from DC to AC for user can used the electrical appliances. 3.2.2 Software development Microcontroller functions is important as a brain of this system. Microcontroller will show the level and value voltage at battery. Microcontroller build used the c language to MicroC and burning the PIC16F877A at PICkit 2 v2.55. Specifically, these are the tasks that microcontroller performs for this interface battery example level and value voltage. For this project, a familiar microcontroller will be used. PIC microcontroller The PIC16F877A is from the PIC16 microcontroller family, with the some advantages is a high computational performance at an economical price and the addition of high endurance and Enhanced Flash Memory. Then added features include eight additional instructions that augment indirect and indexed addressing operations and the implementation of Indexed Literal Offset Addressing mode for many of the standard PIC16 instructions. In addition to these features, the PIC16F877A introduces design enhancements that make power sensitive applications to project and can build microcontroller a logical device for many high-performance.The PIC16F877A make use of NanoWatt technology that incorporates a range of features that can significantly reduce power and voltage consumption during operation includes: Alternate Run Modes. Multiple Idle Modes. On the Fly Mode Switching. Lower Consumption in Key Modules . Extended Instruction Set. 3.3 Part integration After all harware and software implementation is already finish and testing, all the part need to be integrate. The hardware must place at right location then the program is load into the microcontroller in order to test whether the piezoelectric can running and function to suitable for user. 3.4 Project Block Diagram Figure 3.4.1 : Project Block Diagram Component Description Piezoelectric plate Generate the energy from mechanical power to electric power Piezo regulator The voltage regulator to support 12V DC only and moving the battery to changer. Battery Storage and supply the voltage to give the inverter circuit. PIC and LCD Display The microcontroller use C language to show level and value voltage at LCD Display. Inverter Convert from DC to AC voltage. Electric appliances Electric appliances used by the user which features the 220v supply. Table 1: Component and Description Chapter 4 4.0 Expected Result The user stepping on the floor (piezoelectric plate) it will be generate from mechanical power to electric power because the plate can happen vibration. After that, the generate of electricity, it go in the piezoelectric voltage regulator to stabilize voltage so that it entered into the battery with a constant voltage. Later the battery will be to keep the voltage and go in the inverter to convert from DC to AC voltage1 for user can used the electrical appliances. In addition, the batter also display the level and value voltage by using PIC16F877A and LCD display. Figure 4.0.1: Flow chart Piezoelectric Energy Home. Chapter 5 5.0 Conclusion The project outlines were discussed with briefly. Piezoelectric Energy Home very easily function and safe to use by user. This project is the best alternative energy in a future. Then the user can saving in a payments for use electric. In addition, this project so easier for user to see the level and value voltage stored in the battery. The voltage in this project is stability and can used on all types of electric appliances. 5.1 Reference [1] S.Kawashima1, O.Ohnishi1, H.Hakamata1, S.Tagami1, A.Fukuoka1, T.Inoue1 and S.Hirose2, Third Order Longitudinal Mode Piezoelectric ceramic transformer and its application to high-voltage power inverter, 1NEC Corporation Kawasaki 211, 2Yamagata University Yonezawa 992, Japan,2002. [2] Sato.H , Arai.F, Ishihara.H, Fukuda.T, Iwata.H, Itogawa.K, New PZT Actuator Using Piezoelectric Thin Film on Parallel Plate Structure Department Of Micro. Sys.tem Engineering nagoya University, Japan, 2002. [3] Hongmei Liu2, Pingchao Ouyang2, Yunlong Cai1, Chen Lu1, Jiahui Luan1, Vibration Active Control of Fluid Pulsation Based Piezoelectric valve, 1Department of System Engineering of Engineering Technologi Beihang University, 2501 research institute China Academy of Space Technology Haidian, Beijing, China, 2009. [4] Zhu Xiaojin, Zhao Miao, Gao Zhiyuan, Chen Zhiyan, Analysis of Active Vibration Control for Piezoelectric Intelligent Structures by ANSYS and MATLAB, School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 2010. [5] Satyanarayan Bhuyan and Junhui Hu, Wireless Drive of a Piezoelectric Plate by Dipole antenna, School of Electrical Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2009. [6] O.D. Kwon1, J.S. Yoo1, Y.J.Yun1, J.S. Lee3, S.H. Kang2, K.J. Lim1, A Research on the Piezoelectric Vibration Actuator for Mobile Phone, 1School of Electrical Computer Engineering, Chungbuk National University, 1I2 Gaeshin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Chongju, Korea, 2Dept. of fire prevention engineering, chungcheomg University, Korea, 3RD Center, EMD Co., Ltd., Cheonan, Korea, 2005. [7] Jing-yu Yang,Guo-ping Chen, Actuator Placement And Configuration Direction Optimation In Plate Structure Vibration Control System, Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics , Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2010. [8] B. J. G. Vautier and S . 0. R. Moheimani, Avoiding Hysteresis in Vibration Control Using Piezoelectric Laminates, The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Newcastle, Callaghan , Australia, 2003. [9] Takuro Ikeda, Fundamentals of Piezoelectricity, Oxford University, England ,2002. [10] The Jiashi, The Mechanics Of piezoelectric Structure, World scientific New York, 2006.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Funny :: essays research papers
Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: im the son of hazel and grame Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: graeme* Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: hazels hot Peter says: no, i am Peter says: lol she sure is Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: shotgun!! Peter says: shes a milf Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i fukd her in the buttocks Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i hate canadians Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i burnt one the other day cuz he stole my sandwhich Hot Stuff says: Im sorry.. I thought it was my cousin Peter.. it must be a different Peter.. sorry about this.. bye Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: dont leave, its fun Peter says: i like your baby Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: we're just racists new zealanders Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i wona eat it Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: then fuk its little hole Hot Stuff says: you're from New Zealand.. cool.. Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: no, its a shit country Hot Stuff says: hey, that is not funny to say that about my daughter Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i wona move to japan Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: im sory my dad abuses me Peter says: can we dress up in sheepskin and play sausages? Hot Stuff has left the conversation. Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: lmao Peter says: lmfao Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: we win Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: u like? Peter says: man that was awesome Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: hahahahaha Peter says: im was going nuts laughing Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: we rock Peter says: i am not going to forget that Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: i woz so proud 'fuk its little hole' Peter says: lol Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: dude, wel done Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: that woz orsum Cause the streets have opened my eyes to see. says: shes prolly cryin
Essay on Uniting People in The Color Purple -- Color Purple Essays
Uniting People in The Color Purple Red, a color of hatred, a color of anger, a color of oppression. Purple, a color of pride, a color of love, a color of triumph. The clashing of colors, and the uniting of a people. Think of how much more we would see if we did not have eyes. Physical appearances rule the world; the spiritual and emotional gifts emanating from within each individual are left to live an empty existence of incessant, smother-some abuse and to die a tragic and appalling death. Through colloquial diction, emotionally and spiritually turbulent episodes, and an uninhibited, straight-forward writing style, Alice Walker's The Color Purple, astonishingly displays society's alienation of the African-American woman. Celie, a homely woman, lived a life of penetrating violence. At an early age the man thought to be her father shamelessly soiled her fourteen year old body for his own carnal satisfaction; she did "what her mammy wouldn't". With one forceful act of violence a childhood ended and a life-time of pain began. The only reason for Celie's existence was to fulfill the needs of a vile and abusive congregation of men. The white man destroyed the black man, the black man destroyed the woman. An endless cycle of rancor and insecurity dominated the lives of women who knew not of their own talents and self-worth. Bare-foot and pregnant, was the only way of life for these abandoned souls. "She ugly. But she ain't no stranger to hard work. And she clean. And God done fixed her. You can do everything just like you want to and she ain't gonna make you feed it or clothe it." Celie, sold, like a slave, into an unloving marriage, represents the indifference and ignorance of society. Celie's marriage to Mr.__..., Squeak, and Celie fled from their oppressors to the North. Celie utilized her talent of sewing to create new fashions. A talent, once employed only at her husband's call, gave her the self assurance necessary for her attainment of a better future. The death of her father served as a drastic realization. An era of abuse and vulgarity finally ended. His hold on Celie and Nettie no longer existed, they were truly free. Awaiting Nettie's return and escaping the emotional turmoil of Shug's departure, Celie ventured home. Respect from Sofia, Harpo, and even Mr._____ shocked and rattled Celie's mind. Standing up for her rights destroyed an aura of weakness and pushed her ahead to redeem a dormant spirit. Nettie's, Olivia's, Adam's, and Shug's return finalized the uniting of a family, of a town, of a nation, proving in the end we are one . . .a nation of purple.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Development of the Personal Computer in the 1970’s :: Essays Papers
Development of the Personal Computer in the 1970’s Personal Computers (PC’s) are everywhere. I am sitting at my desk right now writing this report on my PC. It seems like these days we take computers for granted. Almost everyone has one. Teachers assign projects that almost completely require the use of a computer. Where did this explosion of PC’s come from, though? Just a few short years ago you were lucky to have a computer. About 25 years ago people would have called you crazy if you said you had a personal computer. That’s because before 1975 there were no personal computers that were available, or affordable, to the general population. In fact, it wasn’t until much later that there really was a personal computer that anyone could use. The 1970’s served as a launching pad for the personal computer industry to blast off into the future. In the early 1970’s computer hobbyists were starting to show frustration at the current situation involving computers. At the time the only way anyone could use a computer was to access a mainframe through a terminal on a time-sharing basis. What the hobbyists wanted was to be able to access their files any time they wanted, even if they were on a business trip. They wanted to be able to play games without someone yelling at them to get back to work. They wanted their own personal computer (Campbell-Kelley and Aspray 237-238; Triumph). Some people were already experimenting with building computers. In 1971 Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez built a simple computer out of parts that were rejected by local companies. This computer, which they called the "cream soda computer," worked with lights and switches and is considered by many to be the first personal computer (Polsson). This wasn’t really satisfying, though. What hobbyists wanted was a real computer that they could c all their very own. This frustration was being voiced in the major electronics magazines at the time, the main two being Popular Electronics and Radio Electronics. Soon both these magazines were putting out a call for an article on building a personal computer (Triumph; Freiberger and Swaine 27-29; Shurkin 307). This wouldn’t have been possible a few years before, and it was a series of incredible advances in electronics that made it possible. In the early 1970’s calculators were very popular. They had recently become much easier to manufacture due to the advent of the integrated circuit and large-scale integration (technology that put the equivalent of 100 transistors on a single chip).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Chopra & Meindl
1. Consider a supermarket deciding on the size of its replenishment order from Proctor & Gamble. What costs should it take into account when making this decision? The main cost categories for the supermarket’s inventory policy are material costs, ordering costs, and holding costs. Material cost is the money paid to Proctor and Gamble for the goods themselves. Ordering costs, also called procurement costs, are incurred by requesting the goods from the supplier and are fixed in the sense that they do not vary with the size of the order. Examples of such fixed costs are the labor required to place the order, handle the resultant paperwork and the transportation fee to ship the order. The holding cost is the cost to carry one unit in inventory for a specified period of time, usually one year. This cost is variable and includes the cost of capital and all of the costs associated with physically storing inventory – shrinkage, spoilage or obsolescence, insurance, the cost of capital, the cost of the warehouse space, etc. 2. Discuss how various costs for the supermarket change as it decreases the lot size ordered from Proctor & Gamble. As the lot size ordered from the supplier decreases, the holding cost (variable with respect to lot size) decreases. As the lot size decreases, the ordering cost remains the same, but the annual ordering cost will rise since the total number of orders each year must increase. As the lot size decreases, the cost of the materials will drop on a per-order basis but will stay the same on an annual basis since total annual demand hasn’t changed. The exception to this occurs if the supplier has a price break for an order size above a certain threshold; in this case the cost of the goods might increase if the reduced order size is not sufficient to trigger a substantial per unit discount. 3. As demand at the supermarket chain grows, how would you expect the cycle inventory measured in days of inventory to change? Explain. As the demand at the supermarket chain grows, we would expect the cycle inventory as measured in days of inventory to also increase, although the increase in cycle inventory is only 40% of the increase in demand. This is because the relationship between the optimal lot size Q* and the annual demand D is [pic]. Since D is under the radical, its doubling to 2D does not translate to a jump from a Q* to a 2Q* order; it translates to a jump from a Q* to a 1. 4Q* order. 4. The manager at the supermarket wants to decrease the lot size without increasing the costs he incurs. What actions can he take to achieve his objective? One action would be to simply decrease the lot size and let the robust nature of the EOQ model work its magic. The total cost curve on either side of the optimal order quantity, the Q*, is relatively flat, so movements in either direction have little impact on total annual procurement and carrying costs. If greater cuts in lot size are desired, the manager can aggregate multiple products in a single order. Recall that the EOQ model is based on a one-product-at-a-time assumption; if multiple products are aggregated, then the fixed procurement cost is spread over all of the items and dramatic lot size reductions are possible. If the same products are being ordered by another supermarket in the same chain (or at least by stores that are willing to cooperate) the combined orders can be delivered by a single truck making multiple stops, thereby reducing transportation expense. Other techniques that should be deployed when aggregating across product lines include advanced shipping notices and RFID tags that will make inventory tracking and warehouse management simpler. 5. When are quantity discounts justified in a supply chain? Quantity discounts are justified in a supply chain as long as they are the fruits of a coordinated supply chain and maximize total supply chain profits. For commodity products for which price is set by the market, manufacturers with large fixed costs per lot can use lot size-based quantity discounts to maximize total supply chain profits. 6. What is the difference between lot size-based and volume-based quantity discounts? Lot size discounts are based on the quantity purchased per lot, not the rate of purchase. Lot size-based discounts tend to raise cycle inventory in the supply chain by encouraging retailers to increase the size of each lot. Lot size-based discounts make sense only when the manufacturer incurs a very high fixed cost per order. For commodity products for which price is set by the market, manufacturers with large fixed costs per lot can use lot size-based quantity discounts to maximize total supply chain profits. Volume discounts are based on the rate of purchase or volume purchased per specified time period. Volume-based discounts are compatible with small lots that reduce the cycle inventory. If the manufacturer does not incur a very high fixed cost per order, it is better for the supply chain to have volume-based discounts. For products for which a firm has market power, volume-based discounts can be used to achieve coordination in the supply chain and maximize supply chain profits. 7. Why do manufacturers such as Kraft and Sara Lee offer trade promotions? What impact do trade promotions have on the supply chain? How should trade promotions be structured to maximize their impact while minimizing the additional cost they impose on the supply chain? Manufacturers use trade promotions to offer a discounted price and a time period over which the discount is effective. The goal of manufacturers such as Kraft and Sara Lee is to influence retailers to act in a way that helps the manufacturer achieve its objectives. These objectives may include increased sales, a shifting of inventory from manufacturer to retailer, and defense against the competition. Trade promotions may cause a retailer to pass through some or all of the promotion to customers to spur sales, which increases sales for the entire supply chain. What happens more frequently in practice is that retailers may choose to pass through very little of the promotion to customers, purchase in greater quantities, and hold this cheaper inventory in greater quantities. This action increases both cycle inventory and flow times within the supply chain. Trade promotions should be structured such that a retailer’s optimal response benefits the entire supply chain, i. e. , retailers limit their forward buying and pass along more of the discount to end customers. If the manufacturer has accumulated excessive inventory, then a trade promotion may provide sufficient incentive to the buyer to forward buy, thus drawing inventories down to an appropriate level. The manufacturer may be able to smooth demand by shifting it to a period of anticipated low demand with a trade promotion. Research has shown that trade promotions by the manufacturer are effective for products with high deal elasticity that ensures high pass-through (passing the discount on to the consumer) and high holding costs that ensure low forward buying, paper goods being the poster child for this combination. Trade promotions are also more effective with strong brands relative to weak brands and may make sense as a competitive response. 8. Why is it appropriate to include only the incremental cost when estimating the holding and order cost for a firm? The cycle inventory models discussed in the chapter are robust; thus incremental (variable) costs per lot size are more important than costs that are fixed with respect to lot size. The labor component of procurement or setup costs may be salaried; therefore changes in lot size do not impact this component.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Ivan Pavlov Essay
1. Behavioral approaches are utilize predominantly for treating children and adults with autism. Behavioral therapies include particularised approaches to help individuals acquire or mixed bag behaviors. Behavioral therapies can be shared out into three general approaches operant teach, respondent or classical (Pavlovian) conditioning, and cognitive approaches. In treating children with autism, operant conditioning approaches are typically used.Ivan Pavlov performed experiments which involved training dogs to associate a tone with a food-reward. Initially, the face shows dim or no response to a knowledgeable stimulus (CS, tone), but a measurable unconditioned response (UR, tongue production) to unconditioned stimulus (US, food). However, after repeatedly using the tone (CS), with the food (US), the subject forms and association between the two and shows conditioned response (CR, saliva production) to the tone (CS) alone. This is remote in principle to operant conditioning, where producing a CR (any task output) controls getting US (food).2. B.F.Skinners work was influenced by Pavlovs experiments. He took the notion of conditioned reflexes highly-developed by Ivan Pavlov and applied it to the study of behavior, by experimenting with pigeons, rats and later his own infant girlfriend to develop his theories of operant conditioning. The concept though interesting, raises a lot of uncomfortable questions on ethical treatment of fellow keep beings.3. The observations make in the question, prove the unplumbed thought behind Skinners experiments, that peoples response could be controlled, and also raises the reasoned point of the extent of control. In lineage the Pavlovian theory was about conditioning the reflexes in response to stimuli. Skinner initially followed this theory before his data made him suspect that he had found a process of conditioning that was very diametrical from Pavlovs
Should the use of cannabis be legalised?
hangmans halter is the to the highest degree commonly utilize il efficacious medicine in the United Kingdom. However, more(prenominal) and more multitude ar campaigning to infer it legalised. These stack cast off galore(postnominal) arguments that could give exhaustively reason for the drug to be legalised, exclusively these are also arguments against it world legalised beca custom it is heavy in many ways. Either way, there is no way to steady down who is right or wrong unless the deciding party is in full awareness of the benefits and disadvantages that legalising the drug could bring. In this essay I go out be set forward wherefore hemp should be legalised or why it shouldnt and therefore say my opinion on the matter.For the past grade halter has frequently been in the news headlines in the UK, and it was recently announced that the legal status of the drug is to be reviewed. This whitethorn ascend as welcome news to the many hatful who custom the drug either for medicinal or recreational reasons.The supply and possession of wadnabis is vile in the UK and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Even though the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, recently down-graded from hangmans halter from a clique B drug to a Class C drug. nigh mint believe that the legalisation of hangmans halter would give out to an increase in the usage of the drug among young people. They argue that if shagnabis was legal, it would be easier to get and thereof more tempting to try.The graph in a higher place shows the percentage of enkindlenabis use of young people around the UK in 2002. I believe this is the most reliable source for this information in 2002 as it was collected by the British Crime be carry stooln by the Home Office.This chart shows the move prices of cannabis between 1994-2004. in that locationfore if the prices keep on falling, more and more people ordain be able to secure this drug. Furthermore, If more and more people volition buy and use cannabis, Most of the people will become addicted and at almost point move on to stronger and more catastrophic drug, for example cocaine.This graph shows a nonher reason why cannabis should be kept ineligible. The graph shows comely how dramatic the enumerate of convictions there are per year and that police time could be put to develop use if cannabis was legalised. I think this is a reliable source as it was published in the Home office annual statistics of 2000. in that locationfore, if cannabis would be legalised more people would obtain the drug and the be of cannabis offenders increase.There is also some brusk depot personal do of cannabis one of this includes clime effects. Adverse mood effects can occur, particularly in inexperienced users (Users that do not take the drug often), after large doses of cannabis. These effects include panic, depression, delusions, and hallucinations. These effects normally disappear after a few hours after use.Some of the long term effects of cannabis include impact on the respiratory system. Cannabis smoke contains many of the corresponding components as baccy smoke. As much as four times the amount of tar can be deposited on the lungs of cannabis smokers as cigaret smokers. Cannabis cigarettes usually do not produce filters and cannabis smokers usually develop a large puff volume, inhale more deeply and hold their breath several times longer than tobacco smokers.This graph show, the long term effects on cannabis, which include Your eyes, Central nervous system, respiratory system, circulative system, stomach and intestines, pregnancy and babies and reproductive system of manly and female. It also describes each one and shows some of the disadvantages of it in bullet pointsOne of the reasons why cannabis should be legalised is that the money that is spent on attempting to decrease the number of people consuming cannabis illegally would be reduced , the police would be t argeting more dangerous criminals, it would be easier for people to ask for help astir(predicate) their addiction because they wouldnt fear getting in anaesthetise and also because people have the right to performance their religion ( Buddhism ) .It was reported on the BBC news website since The Netherlands legalised cannabis in the 1970 usage of heroin declined. This counters the argument that cannabis is the gateway to more dangerous drugsThere has not been a reported death for which cannabis is instantly responsible, whereas, there is always news and stories linking tobacco with malignant neoplastic disease and high affinity pressure. Yet cigarettes are obtainable to buy to anyone in Britain over the legal age, darn cannabis is a banned substance. The opportunity follow of not legalising cannabis is alcoholic drink and cigarettes, which are slangd anyway. intoxicant is socially approved, even though people hit the sack the consequences of alcohol. Cannabis is not packe d as tightly as a tobacco cigarette, and so the substances consume is about half that in a tobacco cigarette. Also, tobacco smokers generally smoke a attraction more cigarettes per day than do cannabis smokers.A question asked by many of the public is alcohol causes more crime, abuse and costs to the NHS as intumesce as society as a tout ensemble and it is legal, so why should cannabis be illegal? The real answer is yet to be answered, but in my opinion, the reason why cannabis is lighten illegal is because people and the government are bear on that the users that will start taking cannabis and will move on to more dangerous drugs and therefore will become infected and diseased with motley different diseases and illnesses.I believe cannabis shouldnt be legalised, if it was it would send the wrong message to people, that its safe when it has proscribe long term effects. Also because from what I have seen people who consume cannabis, later unhorse to consume more dangerous dr ugs such as heroin. There are long term negative effects on the body from using cannabis. Buying cannabis also wastes money which could be spent on more worthwhile things such as education. There will be an increase in people using the drug so there will be more rehabilitation programs which taxpayers and the government will have to pay for.Referenceshttp// http// http// http// http// http//* Even loyal smokers can become anxious, panicky, suspicious or paranoid.* Cannabis affects your coordination, which is one of the reasons why drug driving is further as illegal as drink driving.* Some people think cannabis is harmless retributory because its a plant but it isnt harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has dissever of chemical nasties, which can cause lung disease and mayhap cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with toba cco and have without a filter. It can also make asthma worse, and cause wheezing in non-asthma sufferers.* Cannabis itself can affect many different systems in the body, including the emotional state It increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.* If youve a history of kind health problems, then taking cannabis is not a level-headed idea It can cause paranoia in the piddling term, but in those with a pre-existing psycho illness, such as schizophrenia, it can contribute to relapse.* If you use cannabis and have a family background of amiable illness, such as schizophrenia, you may be at increased risk of developing a psychotic person illness.* It is reported that frequent use of cannabis can cut a mans sperm cell count, reduce sperm motility, and can suppress ovulation in women and so may affect fertility.* If youre pregnant, smoking cannabis frequently may have some association with the risk of the impair being born smaller than expected.* Regular, heavy use mak es it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and cant calculate to get motivated.* Some users may want to buy strong herbal cannabis to get a bigger high but unpleasant reactions can be more powerful when you use strong cannabis, and it is viable that using strong cannabis repeatedly could lead in time to more users experiencing harmful effects such as dependence or being more at risk of developing the mental health effects.
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