Thursday, October 31, 2019
Week 7 Assginment--Business Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Week 7 Assginment--Business Report - Assignment Example First of all Outsourcing decision depends on the company as a whole, when a company wants to lower the costs by associating with the third party to make the better usage of company’s land, labor, capital, technology and its resources, time and energy. The term Outsourcing is becoming more common in the business world, nowadays. Even, there are some companies in which the entire information management is outsourced. The Companies are outsourcing to fully focus on the core process of their business, by consuming time to provide their best services to external agencies. Outsourcing also allows a company to free their most of the internal resources, which can be easily used for other purposes. The research has shown that sometimes the internal resources of a company get short, where outsourcing helps them to avail the required resources within the company. although in several cases the company finds it much difficult to manage particular functions related to the production, theref ore companies outsource by delegating the powers to the third party to manage and control the functions performed. The functions performed by the third party could be beneficial for the business. We have come to know that the Companies are also outsourcing to cut down the risk factors involved with their production or services. Outsourcing even helps a company to realize the benefits of re-engineering. Outsourcing also enables the companies to expand more in new market areas, where they can easily fasten their delivery to the end users. The research has proved that however, outsourcing provides much profit to the organizations, they need to endure. (The Top 10 Reasons To Outsource) When outsourcing you should know what advantages it can provide to your business. The research has analyzed several advantages. Some of them we will discuss. The research has shown that when a rapid growth period hits a company, the back-office operations of a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Utopia and dystopia in film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Utopia and dystopia in film - Essay Example The relationship leads him to start questioning the motive behind governments burning of books. He is soon found and have to decide either to return to his job or run away for his life knowing very well the consequences of those found reading books (Rathjen 2-3). The global war which began in 1940 and dragged over many years until those who were still alive could not explain who started it and reasons behind. Nothing was being made, and society went back to its tradition and in localized communities. In the year 1966, a great plague swept away what people remained with and very few survived. One day, an aircraft pilot landed in one of the remaining communities and told them that a certain organization in rebuilding civilization that slowly re-civilized these communities who survived. There were a great re-constructions which took place for few decades and the society once again regained its strength. The world population was now living in underground cities. In the eve of man’s first flight to the moon, in 2035, a popular uprising against progress gained support and becomes violent (Duguid 3). This movie is about George Orr, a man who has dreams changing realities and afraid of having those dreams. He is sent to a psychiatrist who becomes fascinated with the changing realities. Later on, he finds lawyer Heather Laleche, who he hopes will rescue him from psychiatrist as the world changes around him. His dreams change the reality and produce answers from sub-conscious to rationally asked questions. When asked to produce peace on earth, he dreams of alien invasion; asked to solve overcrowding, he dreams of flood that happened fifteen years killing six billion people. On waking up, the world has always been that way and that is how everyone remembers it with an exemption for those in the room with him (Walton 4). The above films portray individuals who are in the utopian society as others are in dystopia. For instance,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Interviewee Nonverbal Behavior
Importance of Interviewee Nonverbal Behavior The Importance Of Interviewee Nonverbal Behaviours In The Interview Process In Vietnam Table of Contents I. Introduction: II. Literature Review: III. Methodology: IV. Data Sampling: V. Appendix/References: I. Introduction: Research problem: The model 7:38:55 is well-known for its emphasis on nonverbal behaviours. It suggests that verbal behaviours only contribute up to 7% the effectiveness in communication (Mehrabian, 1972). According to Mehrabian, there are three elements which account for our liking for the person expressing their feelings: + Words: 7% + Tone of Voice: 38% + Body Language: 55% The model has received criticism ever since: It is not applicable due to its theoretical approach, combining two different studies and excluding negative emotions, men, other forms of nonverbal communication. As a result, Mehrabian’s model still remains a controversy within experts. Nowadays it is often regarded as ‘the myth of nonverbal communication’. However, undeniably, nonverbal communication plays an important role in our society. In human resource management, the interview process is considerably critical. Since the 70s, there have been various studies about the effects of interviewee nonverbal behaviours on interviewee performance. However, none has been able to clarify this problem. In Vietnam, there has not been any research or article about this area. Therefore, in this research, we will attempt, for the first time, to examine interviewee performance and the importance of interviewee nonverbal behaviours in the interview process in Vietnam. Research objective: + Determine the effects of interviewees’ nonverbal behaviours on their performance. + Identify critical nonverbal behaviours. Research questions: + How can interviewees’ nonverbal behaviours influence the interview decision outcomes? II. Literature Review: Key concepts: Nonverbal behaviour: â€Å"Nonverbal behaviour includes behaviour that might be emitted without the awareness of the encoder (the one conveying the information)†(M.L. Knapp and J. A. Hall, 2005) Theories: There have been numerous theories about nonverbal behaviour or communication. However, most of them have yet to be proven exactly true. Despite that fact, they have been of significant help for researchers since then. + Semiotics + Nonverbal Code Systems + Proxemics + Kinesics All these theories pointed out that, in one way or another, nonverbal behaviour affects human interaction in daily life without us realizing it. Hence it is most important for us to study nonverbal behaviour in order to improve our interaction. The theoretical model of interviewee performance proposed by Huffcutt, Iddekinge and Roth (2011) has helped us construct our own conceptual framework. Their study on interviewee performance has suggested that interviewee performance consists of several variables, forming different sets of factors which may involve behaviours of both the interviewee and interviewer. This recently-constructed model has been of great help for us to examine the effect of interviewee nonverbal behaviours. Empirical review: Conceptual framework: Based on the theoretical model presented by Huffcutt, Iddekinge and Roth (2011), we have created our own conceptual framework by sorting out the irrelevant factors, not concerning nonverbal behaviours, and modifying the remaining sets of factors. This framework explains how interviewee performance reflects his or her nonverbal behaviours through three different elements: interviewee characteristics, interviewee state and interviewer-interviewee dynamics. + Interviewee Characteristics may affect the interviewee nonverbal behaviour, hence his or her performance. For example, apparently, Asian men and European men have significantly different understandings about nonverbal behaviours. + Interviewee State can reflect his or her true intentions, feelings and thoughts. Fortunately, it is quite easy to observe one’s behaviours and figure out their state. Invariably, the eyes, arms and legs are considerably informative about our feelings and thoughts. + Interviewer – Interviewee Dynamics refers to the interrelationship between interviewer and interviewee. This is one of the most important set of factors as the interaction between interviewer and interviewee can significantly enhance or worsen interviewee performance. For instance, when the interviewee nonverbal behaviours match with those of the interviewer, this means that they are attracted to each other. III. Methodology: Qualitative From the 70s to the 90s, researchs about nonverbal behaviours mainly focused on quantitative method as the researchers thought that with exact and accurate numbers, they could have been able to shed light on ‘the myth of nonverbal communication’. It was not as effective as they thought. Since 2000, qualitative method has replaced quantitative as the critical method for this area due to its in-depth and detailed findings, highly-focused on the problem. Presumably, it is reasonable for us to use qualitative method in this study. For the qualitative method, we need to collect data from the interview process, preferably videotaped interviews from certain companies, regarding: + How accurately can interviewer identify interviewee nonverbal behaviours? + How can interviewer rate interviewee nonverbal behaviours? Specifically what are the most important nonverbal behaviours that the interviewee needs to possess or display? Consequently, the relationship between these nonverbal behaviours and the three elements mentioned above are examined to identify the effects of interviewee nonverbal behaviours on interviewee performance. Data analysis method: We intend to use inductive approach as it is very common and effective in qualitative method. In addition, this might be the first research ever in Vietnam about this problem. Hence inductive approach is most suitable for our research. IV. Data Sampling: Primary and Secondary Data Data Collection Method: + Interview + Focus group + Observation Sampling: In order to acquire more accurate data, we agree to collect data from the interview process in several human resource companies in Vietnam, such as: + Talentnet + RGF HR Agent Vietnam + Faro Recruitment Vietnam + Kosaido HR Vietnam + HR2B + JSC + NIC + Le Associates + Manpower Group  TM As many researchs since 2000, we expect to use judgment sampling because it might help emphasize the experiences and expertise of the researchers in the research process, which later can contribute to the depth and detail of our findings. V. Appendix/References: M. L. Knapp and J. A. Hall (2005), Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction (6th Edition), Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. A. Mehrabian (1972), Nonverbal Communication, Aldine Transaction. M. A. Gotcher (1990), Nonverbal Communication In The Job Interview: First Impressions And Nonverbal Immediacy, Texas Tech University, 1990. S. P. Levine and R. S. Feldman (2002), â€Å"Women and Men’s Nonverbal Behaviour and Self-Monitoring in a Job Interview Setting†, Applied Human Resource Management Research, Volume 7, Number 1, 1-14. D. Weinstein (2012), â€Å"The psychology of behaviourally-focused rà ©sumà ©s on applicant selection: Are you hiring managers really hiring the ‘right’ people for the ‘right’ job?†, Business Horizons 55, 53-63. T. V. McGovern and H. E.A. Tinsley (1978), â€Å"Interviewer Evaluations of Interviewee Nonverbal Behaviour.†, Journal of Vocational Behaviour 13, 163-171. A. I. Huffcutt, C. H.V. Iddekinge, P. L. Roth (2011), â€Å"Understanding applicant behaviour in employment interviews: A theoretical model of interviewee performance.†, Human Resource Management Review 21, 353-367.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Data Mining Essay -- Technology, Data Processing
1 Data Pre-processing 1.1 k-mers extraction Assume Ka = (a1,a2...ak) is a k-mer of continuous sequence of length k, and a = 1,†¦, S, where S is the cumulative number of k-mers in that series. In the case of a sequence of length L, we have L – k + 1 total number of k-mers that can be given out making use of k length window drifting procedure. 1.2 Generation Of Position Frequency Matrices For the positive dataset, 500 sequences were used to calculate k-mer frequencies from three successive windows. The three windows are: (1) window A, from -75 to -26 bp before the polyA site, (2) window B, from -25 to -1 bp before the polyA site, and (3) window C, from 1 to 25 bp after the polyA site. The highly informative k-mer frequencies (HIK) feature vector consisted of cumulated frequencies of all monomer, dimmer, and trimer frequencies for the three regions. This results in 3 regions x 4 monomer frequencies, 3 x 16 dimer frequencies, and 3 x 64 trimer frequencies. Hence, a total of 252 features are obtained. The negative dataset was computed from frequencies in similarly spaced windows, but from the beginning of 500 other independent sequences (windows: A, -300 to -251 bp; B, -251 to -226 bp; and C, -225 to -201 bp 1.3 Background Probability Feature The label space is written as Y = fp; ng indicating that a sequence with a polyA site is detected (positive class label p) or not detected (negative class label n). A classiffier, i.e., a mapping from instance space to label space, is found by means of learning from a set of examples. An example is of the form z = (x; y) with x 2 X and y 2 Y. The symbol Z will be used as a compact notation for X _Y. Training data are a sequence of examples: S = (x1; y1); : : : ; (xn; ... ...clude GC-rich redundant motifs and diffuse motifs that are difficult to detect. Suggestions and Further Research Motif discovery in DNA datasets is a challenging problem domain due to lack of understanding of the nature of the data, and the mechanisms to which proteins recognize and interact with its binding sites are still perplexing to biologist. Hence, predicting binding sites by using computational algorithms is still far from satisfaction. Many computational motif discovery algorithms have been proposed in the past decade. Like most of these algorithms, it shares some common challenges that require further investigation. The first is the scalability of the system for large scale dataset such as ChIP sequences. The scalability is the ability of a tool to maintain its prediction performances and efficiency while the size of the datasets increases.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Aztecs VS Mongols Essay
The Mongols and the Aztecs evolved on completely opposite sides of the world, so they had a substantial amount of differences. The contrasted culturally and socially. For example, religion was one of the numerous differences between the two. Also, the foundation of their societies was different as well; one being based on agriculture and the other being nomadic. However, they were not different in every aspect. The Mongols and Aztecs were similar politically because both had substantial and powerful militaries. Culturally, the Aztecs and Mongols were different, particularly with their religions. The Aztec Empire worshipped their Sun God; they believed that the sun was a gift from the Gods and that as it goes down every night, they’re required to make sacrifices in order to make it rise up again the next morning. Their king had to be a descendant of the Sun God in order to rule and he lived in a large religious temple. On the other hand, the Mongols were tolerant of most religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Shamanism, Islam). There were few places of worship because of the fact that they were nomadic, but they did praise their Allah. The empire first began as Pagans but eventually Islam became the favored religion of the empire because the Mongols went into the middle east.They did not sacrifice people, but they did animals. This religious difference exists because the two empires are on reverse regions of the globe, the Mongols in central Asia/Middle East and the Aztecs in present day Mexico; Therefore we know that the different areas of the world followed different customs and religions. The Aztecs and Mongols also contrasted socially, specifially because of the foundation of their civilizations. The Aztecs based their civilization on agriculture. They lived in what is Mexico today which had fertile soil and was surrounded by water, thus making it easier to maintain crops and create a system to manage the water. Then there were the Mongols who didn’t really stay in one spot, but were pastoral nomads who traveled all the way from Eastern Europe to Central Asia with their livestock as a way of obtaining food. Not only did the Aztecs live in such a fertile area of the world, but their main city, Tenochtitlan, was surrounded by Lake Texcoco which provided them with easy access to trade routes. The Mongols could not be agricultural-based peoples like the Aztecs because of the extremely dry desert-like land they inhabited which was not suitable for crops. Therefore they had to resort to the nomadic lifestyle in order to survive. The Mongols and Aztecs were fairly similar politically. Both civilizations had prodigious militaries and conquered everyone around them. The Mongol Empire was a military empire, with Genghis Khan as their leader. They used advanced weapons from China (such as the bow and arrow and flaming catapults), and were excellent horse warriors. The boys were trained to be soldiers at the age of 14 and were forced to join the army. The Aztecs also had a society strongly based around their powerful military. In their empire, every boy who was physically capable would be trained to fight even with little notice. The aggressive warlike way of life in these societies made them very sturdy empires; both were able to conquer areas around them that no one else was able to, because of their intellegence of warfare and use of weapons. Overall, the Aztecs and Mongols were both large and advanced empires. Although they developed at different times and in different places, they had similar military lifestyles. But there were also plenty of things that differentiated the two empires; the first being their religious beliefs and the second being the social foundations of their society (agricultural or nomadic).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Effective Communication at the Workplace Essay
Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another. There are many different reasons for why people communicate, we need communication to express our needs and feelings for example a baby cannot talk to us and tell us what he/she needs so instead he/she would begin to cry to let us know that he/she is due for a feed. Another example would be if a colleague was missing her breaks because there was a staff shortage and she was cross about this, she would then talk to her supervisor and explain her reasons for being cross. Communication is important in a workplace setting because people must interact with one another in ways that will get the job done as quickly and effectively as possible (eNotes. (2013), study smarter). Read more: Identify the different reasons people communicate essay Communication is also very important to be able to build new relationships, with that being with the staff or children, if for example there was a fight in the playground which led to some of the children falling out then the staff could arrange some kind of team building activities, to help the children become friends again. Another example would be when the children have just started school or nursery, the staff could sit all the children in a circle and get them to say their names ad one thing they like doing, so the children are aware of others who like to do the same as them. Communication is also important to be able to give and receive information, this could be as simple as sending a letter home with a child to tell their parents about a forth coming event, like a parents evening or if there was a incident in school that the parents of the child would need to be aware off. Or to arrange after school clubs for children and the parents to be able to bond more. Communication is also important when we want to share are thoughts and ideas, for example if in nursery the staff could give the children a piece of paper to write down what they want to do more of then the staff could make an activity based on the children’s ideas. Another example would be if the staff of a setting wanted to involve the parents in after school activities then they could send home a question to ask the parents what they would enjoy doing. Communication is also important the be able to affirm one another, Affirmation is a statement of a positive effect (k.Hoban -2006) this is a good type of communication as it also helps the child’s development. You can use affirmation to make someone feel better about something they’ve done. For example a 9 month year old baby has just said da,da for the first the parents would praise the child by picking them up and hugging them and smiling. Another example would be a simple high five if a young child is doing something right like they have just finished a jigsaw or been to toilet when they needed to go. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationship in the work setting. In order to work effectively with children, young people and their families, and so that we can plan for and meet their needs in order to do this we need good communication skills. Practitioners who have good communication skills are likely to have stronger relationships with children and their parents. This is because relationships are influenced by the body language, facial expression and ways in which others listen and talk to you. (Tassoni,2012) Without communication in the workplace there would be no good relationships, without relationships I the workplace there will be no trust so any relationships would break down leading to conflict and the staff possibly leaving a bad influence on the children. Also peoples personalities can affect relationships in the workplace because for example say someone has a really bubbly personalities, and someone else is quite shy then that might be intimidating meaning that the shy person may not want to express any ideas they have, leading to them not being as involved as they would like to be. With good communication skills we will find that people will have more of a positive attitude which will make others be more positive around them, creating a positive vibe throughout the workplace, it can also lead to stronger teamwork which will build trust, And then with the children if you show that you care, for example just listening to them talk, then the child will feel more attached to you meaning they will come to you with any concerns.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
THE REALITY essays Wall Street (1987) and The Economy (chap. 8) With the combination of chapter 8 (from Sociology for the 21st Century) and the movie Wall Street by Oliver Stone, we can begin to have a greater understanding of the United States economy. From the time we are born, we are raised to believe that the United States is a democracy. We are taught to believe everything is fair, right, and just for every American in the United States. We are also taught to believe that every American in the United States has the opportunity to receive a piece of the pie if they work hard. But in reality this is not the case; the system is geared to benefit the upper white class. Only the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The unjust take advantage of the just in the United States. I believe the United States is divided into two systems: capitalism and socialism. Very large corporations (upper white collar workers) operate as a capitalist system while the working class (blue collar workers and lower white collar workers) operates as a socia list system. The character that plays Gordon Gekko, in the movie Wall Street, is a cold-blooded stock trader in New York City. Oliver Stone uses the name of a lizard (Gecko) to represent this character. However, I do not feel the name represents the true amount of evil that this individual possesses. I believe Stone should have used the name of a snake to represent this character because a snake has a forked tongue, and it sneaks' upon its prey. This character is most similar to a snake because both waits for the opportunity to strike its prey. As with many big businesses, Gekko manipulates the system for his advantage by fooling Bud into thinking that he is molding him into a contender for the upper white collar Stock Market. But in reality he is only using Bud to his advantage. For example, the first time Bud met Gekko; the only reason Gekko agreed to see him was because Bud had a bo ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Medical Data Essays
Medical Data Essays Medical Data Paper Medical Data Paper Medical data collectively represents information that was or is being obtained from individuals who have consulted medical professionals or have been admitted to health care facilities due to health and medical problems and concerns. The types of medical data include narrative data or textual data, which includes personal information (name, date of birth, occupation, medical history, family or social background, etc. ) and written remarks of medical professionals (codes that represent the status of patients, etc. ), numerical data (measurements such as vital signs, various measurements conducted, etc. ), recorded signals in the form of Mammography, ECG, and such, and data in the form of pictures (x-rays, radiologic images, and sketches or drawings). (Charette, 2006) Medical data differs from business, corporate, or organizational data because it is utilized to provide health solutions, remedies, and preventive action that will benefit patients or clients. Business, corporate, or organizational data, on the other hand, is focused on obtaining and keeping information in order to sustain the needs and requirements of the company for growth and development. Therefore, medical data is utilized outwardly as a means to serve the people, while organizational data is utilized inwardly, such that the results of gathering and storing data benefits businesses or corporations more than their clients. Moreover, while organizational data are mostly based on accurate information or figures, medical data requires the expertise of medical professionals to interpret and obtain information relevant to the concept of gathering medical data. Perhaps the number and complexity of utilizing technology to digitize medical data make it difficult for health care facilities to computerize them. Apparently, digital imaging for medical data requires the utilization of new technologies that were designed for this specific purpose. However, the problem is that it is expensive. Health care facilities are left with the decision whether to spend funds for technological systems for storing data or to allocate it for health care service purposes. (Renner, 1996) Moreover, medical data are numerous. It would not be easy to computerize them in just a couple of hours. Doing so will require much time and effort. Of course technological gadgets being used to store medical data necessitate knowledge of how to operate them. Medical professionals agree that utilizing technological systems for obtaining and storing medical data requires that they learn how to operate these gadgets. (Funke, 2008) References Charette, R. N. (2006). Electronic Medical Records: Dying for Data. Retrieved October 14, 2008, from IEE Spectrum Online. Website: spectrum. ieee. org/feb08/4589 Funke, O. (2008). Electronic Medical Records and Privacy: Purpose, Benefits and Problems. Retrieved October 14, 2008, from All Academic Incorporated. Website: allacademic. com/meta/p281245_index. html Renner, K. (1996). Cost-Justifying Electronic Medical Records. Retrieved October 14, 2008, from CNET Networks, Inc. Website: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_n10_v50/ai_18794085
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Cantwell v. Connecticut (1940)
Cantwell v. Connecticut (1940) Can the government require people to get a special license in order to spread their religious message or promote their religious beliefs in residential neighborhoods? That used to be common, but it was challenged by Jehovahs Witnesses who argued that the government didnt have the authority to impose such restrictions on people. Fast Facts: Cantwell v. Connecticut Case Argued: March 29, 1940Decision Issued: May 20, 1940Petitioner: Newton D. Cantwell, Jesse L. Cantwell, and Russell D. Cantwell, Jehovahs Witnesses proselytizing in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood in Connecticut, who were arrested and convicted under a Connecticut statute banning the unlicensed soliciting of funds for religious or charitable purposesRespondent: The state of ConnecticutKey Question: Did the Cantwells’ convictions violate the First Amendment? Majority Decision: Justices Hughes, McReynolds, Stone, Roberts, Black, Reed, Frankfurter, Douglas, MurphyDissenting: NoneRuling: The Supreme Court ruled that statute requiring a license to solicit for religious purposes constituted a prior restraint upon speech violating the First Amendments guarantee of free speech as well as the First and 14th Amendments guarantee of the right to the free exercise of religion. Background Information Newton Cantwell and his two sons traveled to New Haven, Connecticut, in order to promote their message as Jehovahs Witnesses. In New Haven, a statute required that anyone wishing to solicit funds or distribute materials had to apply for a license - if the official in charge found that they were a bona fide charity or religious, then a license would be granted. Otherwise, a license was denied. The Cantwells did not apply for a license because, in their opinion, the government was in no position to certify Witnesses as a religion - such a decision was simply outside the governments secular authority. As a result they were were convicted under a statute which forbade the unlicensed soliciting of funds for religious or charitable purposes, and also under a general charge of breach of the peace because they had been going door-to-door with books and pamphlets in a predominantly Roman Catholic area, playing a record entitled Enemies which attacked Catholicism. Cantwell alleged that the statute they had been convicted under infringed upon their right to free speech and challenged it in the courts. Court Decision With Justice Roberts writing the majority opinion, the Supreme Court found that statutes requiring a license to solicit for religious purposes constituted a prior restraint upon speech and gave the government too much power in determining which groups were permitted to solicit. The officer who issued licenses for solicitation was authorized to inquire whether the applicant did have a religious cause and to decline a license if in his view the cause was not religious, which gave government officials too much authority over religious questions. Such a censorship of religion as the means of determining its right to survive is a denial of liberty protected by the First Amendment and included in the liberty which is within the protection of the Fourteenth. Even if an error by the secretary can be corrected by the courts, the process still serves as an unconstitutional prior restraint: To condition the solicitation of aid for the perpetuation of religious views or systems upon a license, the grant of which rests in the exercise of a determination by state authority as to what is a religious cause, is to lay a forbidden burden upon the exercise of liberty protected by the Constitution. The breach of the peace accusation arose because the three accosted two Catholics in a strongly Catholic neighborhood and played them a phonograph record which, in their opinion, insulted the Christian religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular. The Court voided this conviction under the clear-and-present danger test, ruling that the interest sought to be upheld by the State did not justify the suppression of religious views that simply annoyed others. Cantwell and his sons may have been spreading a message that was unwelcome and disturbing, but they did not physically attack anyone. According to the Court, the Cantwells simply did not pose a threat to public order merely by spreading their message: In the realm of religious faith, and in that of political belief, sharp differences arise. In both fields the tenets of one man may seem the rankest error to his neighbor. To persuade others to his own point of view, the pleader, as we know, at times, resorts to exaggeration, to vilification of men who have been, or are, prominent in church or state, and even to false statement. But the people of this nation have ordained in the light of history, that, in spite of the probabilities of excesses and abuses, these liberties are in the long view, essential to enlightened opinion and right conduct on the part of the citizens of a democracy. Significance This judgment prohibited governments from creating special requirements for people spreading religious ideas and sharing a message in an unfriendly environment because such speech acts do not automatically represent a threat to public order. This decision was also notable because it was the first time that the Court had incorporated the Free Exercise Clause into the Fourteenth Amendment - and after this case, it always has.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Wk3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Wk3 - Assignment Example table, is found to be less than 0.05, therefore, we cannot accept null hypothesis which states that the average salaries of employees of each grade is equal. It can thus be concluded that significant difference exists in the average salaries of employees at different grades. The first null hypothesis that states that average salaries for all grades are equal is accepted as the associated P value is found to be equal to 0.07 which is greater than 0.05. The second null hypothesis that states that average salaries for both male and female employees are equal is, however, rejected as the associated P value is found to be equal to 1.5 x 10-10 which is quite less than the significance level 0.05. The third null hypothesis that tests whether the interaction is statistically significant is found to be statistically significant as the associated P value is found to be 0.17 which is significantly greater than the significance level of 0.05. It means that the grades and gender do have an interaction that impacts the equality of pays amongst employees on average. Moreover it shows that the mean salaries are equal amongst different grades while they are found to be unequal amongst male and female employees without considering their grades. Moreover in order to avoid biasness in the results the observations have been chosen at random so that the sample results can be employed for the interpretation of population parameters. Therefore mean value in this case can be used to interpret the results of mean values of population. In order to test that the compa values in the population are equal by grade and/or gender, and are independent of each factor the ANOVA has been done using Data Analysis Tool pack of MS Excel 2007. The values are chosen on convenience basis for each category. The summary of outputs thus obtained is mentioned below. The two factor ANOVA has been performed with replication. All three null hypotheses are rejected as the associated P values are found to be less
Friday, October 18, 2019
Uranium Export of Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Uranium Export of Australia - Essay Example We had seen how militarized Iraq attacked hapless Kuwait with a view of controlling its oil wells. But with climate change, nature alone will signal the demise of our mother earth. It's important to note down that there is only one common solution to both problems and that is, nuclear reactors. Why Let us elucidate things before we tackle the subject of uranium-fueled nuclear reactors. The pages of newspapers tell us that the world climate has gone berserk. It is a fact that the ocean's water levels are fast rising putting to danger of being swallowed by the oceans low-lying atolls, islands and continents. This is the end result of the melting of the ice-caps of Greenland and Antarctica due to the elevation of world temperature as a result of the blanketing of earth by greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane etc. that are the emissions of industries which burn coal, petroleum and natural gases (Suplee 55). Engineers and scientists' solution to generate electricity for power plants, heat for industries and domestic use and propulsion for nuclear marine and rocket propulsion (Kunstler 139). What is important is that the process doesn't involve emission of gases that causes global warming. But there cannot be any nuclear power without uranium-235 or plutonium-239. But since plutonium is a rare radioactive, metallic chemical element and uranium widely occurs in nature and is mined in great quantities in Australia and elsewhere as uraninite or pitchblende ore, then only uranium is being used worldwide. Like global warming, the world is also saddled by both soaring petroleum prices and depletion of fossil fuels such as oil and coal which happen to cause climate change. Like hopeless addicts, industrialized nations are dependent on oil, which prices are controlled and manipulated by OPEC as well as by events in oil-producing countries. Thus, the soaring cost of oil is wreaking havoc on economies all over the world, weakening the dollar and causing global financial crisis. Businesses and consumers are feeling the pinch as lives of the common masses are pushed to desperation with high prices of goods and high inflation (Morrell 87). While some are scampering to search for oil substitutes such as biofuels and jatropha seed oil, most developed nations have set their eyes on uranium-fueled nuclear power plants as the solution to the problem. Nuclear power plants cannot run without uranium. Thus, the high demand for uranium from countries such as Australia. In fact Martin Ferguson, Australia's Minister for Resources and Energy was quoted as saying: "Energy security and climate change are set to drive a significant increase in global demand for Australia's uranium. With around 27% of the world's
SWOT Analysys Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SWOT Analysys - Coursework Example The legendary growth of the organization is manifested in extending the scope of operations into more than 220 countries world wide with 300,000 employees working through four specifically defined lines of operations: express, freight forwarding, supply chain and mail. In 2002, DHL was consolidated and owned by Deutche Post World Net but retained the famous corporate and brand name. The mission of DHL is to provide excellent customer service in the field of international express transport and logistics and to achieve is goal of being the logistics company of the world (DHL: Strategy, 2011, par. 2). Management strives to achieve this mission by adhering with strict standards of quality and ethical responsibility of preserving and protecting the environment as they utilize various resources effectively and efficiently. II. Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses A. Competent Leadership and Managerial Expertise One of the strengths of DHL is its pool of competent, qualified and diverse leaders who are deemed experts in their respective fields of endeavor. This is a distinctive competence because as it operates in various parts of the world, strong leadership drive and potentials are honed through various incentives and strategies that promote â€Å"self-initiative among our employees through such activities as idea management, reward individual performance and attach great importance to team spirit. The First Choice Program, a critical pillar of our growth strategy, is designed to achieve systematic performance improvements at the interface with the customer†(DHL: The Group, 2011, par. 1). By motivating, developing and maintaining its diverse pool of personnel, their skills are effectively harnessed towards achievement of its corporate mission and goals. B. The Ability to Steer Growth in Strategic Locations DHL had been successful in identifying strategic locations around to world to expand its operations on a global scale. The study conducted by FAI Consu lting Services (2009) revealed that â€Å"the company has employed cross-functional teams around the world to plan, design, and manage facilities†(par. 4). In a span of 4 decades, the number of global partners dramatically increased by enhancing â€Å"its expertise by purchasing other leading logistics companies, e.g. 1999 acquisition of Danzas, 2004/2005 acquisition of 88 percent of shares of Indian express company Blue Dart, end of 2005 acquisition of Exel†(DHL: Facts and Figures, 2010, par. 6). C. Tendency for Complacency A study written by Apostolopoulos, (1998) indicated that there is an eminent weakness facing corporate employees as they manifest tendencies for complacency. The rationale for this is the market leadership prominently gained by DHL over the years. The exemplary working environment accorded personnel job satisfaction level that gave them benefits they deemed were more than expected and therefore should not be challenged nor disrupted. The o rganization can minimize this weakness through more challenging performance evaluation and appraisal programs that gauge their work attitude and apply appropriate sets of rewards and penalties as deemed necessary. 2. Discuss how the organization can minimize this weakness. D. Reported Poor Customer Service In sites that reveal customer complaints, DHL customers were objecting the poor customer service manifested
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Artificial sweeteners Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Artificial sweeteners - Research Paper Example This paper will be about the different brands and types of artificial sweeteners. The focus will be on the effects it has on humans vs. animals. It will explain the safety and hazards of each substance. There are different types of artificial sweeteners that differ from their extract classification. They are large divisions of sugar substitute market, where companies vary from producing it with zero or low calories (Swithers and Davidson 10). There are at least six types of artificial sweeteners (Jaffe 4). Karl Claus who was a chemist discovered the artificial sweetener in 1967. It was approved 1998 for use in beverage. Acesulfame potassium is believed to be 200 times sweeter than the sugar we are used to, and has no calories in it. It is found in beverages, breath mints and baked foods. This type of artificial sweetener is the newest sweetener. Neotame was approved in 2002 as a general sweetener. It has no calories in it, and it sweetness is7000 to 13000 times. Neotame is found in gelatins, puddings, syrups, toppings, jellies, frozen desserts, soft drinks and baked foods. This was the first artificial sweetener discovered in 1879. It was discovered by Constantine Fahiberg as he was working at johns Hopkins University as he was doing a research on the oxidation mechanism. Saccharin has no calories, and it is sweeter than the normal sugar more than 300 times. Biologically, it is not absorbed in the body or metabolized. It is used to sweeten various products ant still used in cosmetics products. Tate and Lyle discovered Sucralose in 1979. Compared to sugar, it is 600 times sweeter and contains no calories in it. The FDA approved it in 1998, where it is used in fifteen different categories of food, including tabletop sweetener. Sucralose is used in frozen desserts, fruit juices, gelatins, chewing gum and beverages. The FDA latter expanded it in 1999 as a general
Visual analysis paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Visual analysis paper - Coursework Example Rococo or late Baroque style later came in the 18th century and impacted on art’s sculpture, painting, decoration and interior design. Giotto di Bondone’s â€Å"Madonna Enthroned†created in 1300 by an Italy using the Rococo technique and Garofalos "Madonna and Child in Glory" created in 1935 in Pinacoteca Capitolina are two distinct but closely related masterworks whose exploration can be quite enthralling. This paper shall candidly and comprehensively analyze the two artworks with the predominant aim of determining how similar or different they are in terms of style and the thematic implications or the messages that the artists envisioned to deliver to the audience. Giotto’s â€Å"Madonna Enthroned†, drawn on tempera on panel, patently indicates that the art was painted by an iconic painter, probably cultured and trained in Greek but working in Italy or for a western promoter. This can be derived from the way the artist blends byzantine with western elements in the entire masterpiece. The folds of the cloths are defined by a byzantine concord and the image’s composition is modeled on the Hodegetria, the virgin, who points at the child to show that he is the way, the truth and the light. Additionally, the son, Jesus, gives the Western signs of blessings. The halos on the side of the child are decorated with floral patterns that are popular in Italy. Moreover, the image has a 3-D view, particularly in the virgin’s thrown, to indicate western influence. The artist intentionally uses a virgin with archangels’ majestic regalia and red shoes in the elaborate throne to accentuate Mary’s role as the crowned hea d of Heaven. In the artwork, the golden background connotes the heavenly kingdom implying that the artist knew quite well how gold was treasured in the then community due to its economic value and its imperative role in determining one’s social and economic status. At
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion 4 - Assignment Example This also involves identifying gender’s role whose mainstream consideration is attributed to sexuality factors. The human sexual behavior is composed of diverse motivations, ranging from sexually-generated interests to behavioral classifications. For instance, the gender factor involves sexual drives and preferences, and the unique cultural interventions have explored advances in cultural range, which hence create substantial amount of sexual orientations (Johnson, 2004). The school of thought fostered by Suzanne LaFont (2003) illustrates that variations among sexual classes have diversely created sub category for minority sexual groups. Lack of moral obligations and the sheer interest for defining sexual orientations that provide a different biological taste has been incorporated into the human sexuality potentials. The rate and range of sexual preference has changed with time and this focus provider a critical reflection of gender connectedness between changing behaviors and changing societal values. The US interpretation of gender provides a conclusive approach or reproach to emerging sexual categories which are then incorporated into new social process (Zhou et al., 1995). The critical variation of sexual and gender factors including gays, transgender and intersex have been viewed as the new constituents of gender and the interpretation hence outweighs the traditional perception of gender. However, other cultures outside the U.S. underline the traditional classification of
Visual analysis paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Visual analysis paper - Coursework Example Rococo or late Baroque style later came in the 18th century and impacted on art’s sculpture, painting, decoration and interior design. Giotto di Bondone’s â€Å"Madonna Enthroned†created in 1300 by an Italy using the Rococo technique and Garofalos "Madonna and Child in Glory" created in 1935 in Pinacoteca Capitolina are two distinct but closely related masterworks whose exploration can be quite enthralling. This paper shall candidly and comprehensively analyze the two artworks with the predominant aim of determining how similar or different they are in terms of style and the thematic implications or the messages that the artists envisioned to deliver to the audience. Giotto’s â€Å"Madonna Enthroned†, drawn on tempera on panel, patently indicates that the art was painted by an iconic painter, probably cultured and trained in Greek but working in Italy or for a western promoter. This can be derived from the way the artist blends byzantine with western elements in the entire masterpiece. The folds of the cloths are defined by a byzantine concord and the image’s composition is modeled on the Hodegetria, the virgin, who points at the child to show that he is the way, the truth and the light. Additionally, the son, Jesus, gives the Western signs of blessings. The halos on the side of the child are decorated with floral patterns that are popular in Italy. Moreover, the image has a 3-D view, particularly in the virgin’s thrown, to indicate western influence. The artist intentionally uses a virgin with archangels’ majestic regalia and red shoes in the elaborate throne to accentuate Mary’s role as the crowned hea d of Heaven. In the artwork, the golden background connotes the heavenly kingdom implying that the artist knew quite well how gold was treasured in the then community due to its economic value and its imperative role in determining one’s social and economic status. At
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effect of Online Gaming to the Students Essay Example for Free
Effect of Online Gaming to the Students Essay * An online game is a video game played over some form of computer network, using a personal computer or video game console. * Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre, a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of gameplay. Online games are played over some form of computer network, typically on the Internet. One advantage of online games is the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well. A second advantage of online games is that a great percentage of games don’t require payment. Also third that is worth noting is the availability of wide variety of games for all type of game players. Can video games make you smarter begins with asking what youre looking to gain by playing them. Did you know that: * Point: Video games are fun, but theyre not very productive or useful. * Counterpoint: One of the biggest benefits of video games and other interactive training techniques is that they offer a type of engaging and interesting activity that can help build and practice new skills * Point: Video games only train you in specific skills, which doesnt impart any greater ability to approach new challenges or obstacles. * Counterpoint: The key here is in the design and goals of the game in question. Whatever the game aims to train is what youll learn. Games that take the problem solving puzzles and critical thinking exercises that most of us remember as schoolchildren and update them with an interactive and adult-targeted medium can still impart those skills to older players. The issue with many brain training video games is that they want you to believe that youre getting smarter by increasing your cognitive ability, or somehow protecting your brain from decay or the effects of aging by playing them. That may not be true, but games carefully designed to build problem solving, critical thinking, and reading comprehension skills will help you build those skills. * Point: If games in general can help you learn specific skills, theres no need for video games specifically. You can just pick up a crossword, textbook, or mystery novel and hone those same skills. * Counterpoint: The big difference between picking up the New York Timescrossword and playing the iPhone version, or playing Scrabble at a table versus with other people in an internet-connected game like Words with Friends, is really in the person who plays the game. Strictly, interactive media are an artifact of our time, and appeal to people who would otherwise reject those older mediums in favor of newer ones. In addition to catering to our desire to be constantly connected and our need for immediate feedback and rapid-fire puzzles and challenges, video games resonate with us in a way that other media doesnt. That isnt to say theres no place for an old-fashioned mystery novel to challenge a reader to decipher an authors carefully laid clues before they get to the last page, but theres certainly room for both. There Are Psychological, Physical, and Therapeutic Benefits to Video Games, Too * In addition to the benefits of learning new things and developing new skills, video gamesâ€â€when properly appliedâ€â€can have therapeutic and mental health benefits. If you play video games as a hobby or for relaxation, you likely already know that they can help you relieve stress and anxiety and help you relax. Negative effects of online gaming: * Since the advent of coin operated arcade games, video games have come a long way and spread to the homes of many children and teenagers, in both developed and developing countries (Bryant Vorderer, 2006). On one hand, the fierce competitions among the gaming giants such as Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft can be blamed for this phenomenon; while on the other hand, the internet alone is responsible for placing a universe full of games at arms reach of anyone with a computer and a decent internet connection. However, many games are not suitable for certain age groups. These include games which contain material that is explicit in either the lyrics of its songs, its bloody and gory action scenes, or even scenes that are considered borderline pornographic (in the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the main character can enter strip clubs and receive lap dances) (Allofgta, 2008). Usually, many of the games containing significant amounts of violence are designed for mature audiences; nevertheless, their popularity among teenagers and children, who ironically constitute the largest contributors to the profits reaped from these games, is always on the rise. In Lebanon and many other countries in the middle east, no video game rating system or law exists, which allows children and teenagers to buy any game they want. Consequently, as Vorderer and Bryant explain (2006), young video game players may be exposed to substantially more violent content than ever before * Excessive violence in video games has many significant negative effects on children and teenagers. The nature of todays gaming market doesnt seem to help the situation at all. Every year, hundreds of new games are released into stores, adding to an already abundant library of blood and gore, which leads to a decrease in the price of previous years games. In addition, since the price of CDs and game related hardware is on the decline, it is becoming easier and more economical for children and teenagers to play these games in the comfort of their own home, instead of paying hourly fees at Local area network gaming centers * Other pro-violent video game activists take on a whole different approach in their defense strategy. * Three major negative effects are manifested in the majority of gamers who play violent video games. To begin with, gamers show a weakening in their pro social behavior, which include poorerrelationships and drug related problems. Secondly, users start to exhibit violent behavior which can manifest itself in their thoughts or physically. Finally, desensitization, the loss of proper response to violent images, also lurks behind these games. * Video games are the subject of so many studies, not to mention findings. Some suggest cognitive benefits, others behavioral issues that may or may not persist over time. Importance of the studies * The researcher also believes that not only the students will be benefited from the findings of the study but the instructors and the faculties as well. For they will be advised what to do to give more emphasis to the studies and the learning of the students. They will have an idea on how to get the attention of the students through their studies. Students most specially who has lower grades or failing grades. Definition of Terms There are terms of this study the student researchers defined to help the reader understand well the terms used. * Age. stage of life: a stage or phase in the lifetime of somebody or something length of somebodys or somethings existence | * Dropped. lessen: to decrease to a lower level, rate, or number, or make something do this * Effects of on line games  * Failed. unsuccessful: unsuccessful, or not having done what is expected or needed * Gender. Gender is a range of characteristics of femininity and masculinity.[1] Depending on the context, the term may refer to the sex * Passed. be successful, or declare somebody successful: to be successful in a test or examination, or officially decide that somebody has been successful in a test or examination
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Presidency Of George W Bush Politics Essay
The Presidency Of George W Bush Politics Essay George W. Bush ran for presidency in the year 2000 and termed himself a passionate conservative. With reference to foreign policy he heavily criticized the actions of Al Gore in sending U.S troops for peace-keeping missions that he deemed were not vital to national interest. However, at the same time he was pushing for more funding for the Pentagon and was seen calling for more action and tougher posture against rogue countries such as Iraq and North Korea. One of the goals in the bush presidency was to accelerate progress on deregulating industry and implementing tax reductions in an attempt to weaken the federal government thus strengthening the conservative agenda. The administration relied on executive authority to relax the workplace as well as the environmental regulations. He sought to affect the fiscal, strength of the Treasury and other areas of the government that were most vulnerable politically. The effect of this was powerful as the tax cuts distributed government benefits to Americans, rich and wealthy, which constituted a core part of the Republican coalition. Bush reflected in his practices the policies used by former republican presidents, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. The policies involved placing politically motivated administrators with vested interests in important positions. These administrators were unsympathetic to the programs they managed and thus were ruthless when doing their work. The attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11 2001 offered Bush an opportunity to establish his political credibility, to reassert presidential leadership and to defend the interests of the United States. Through the event of the United States bombing in 9/11, Bush pushed aggressively for the use of executive-centered national security programs. Such programs involved the expansion of interrogation techniques including torture, which broke the national precedent and ignored international laws on detainee treatment. After the 9/11 event Bush announced an all-out war on terrorism and ordered the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As the United States entered recession in 2007, the bush administration through the enactment of several economic programs took a more direct control of the United States economy in an attempt to preserve the countrys financial system. These policies included among others implementing a 170 billion economic stimulus package which aimed at sending tax rebate checks to Americans and providing tax breaks for struggling businesses. However, the policies were ill-equipped to deal with the looming financial crisis in what is termed to be the longest recession after World War 2 in history. The Presidency of Barrack Obama Obama, within his first 100 days set up to gather up support for his economic stimulus package otherwise known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. He further put through Congress the expanded State Health Insurance program. Furthermore, his administration was able to put into law the Ledbetter law which requires equal pay for women in all sectors. The obama administration is also credited with legislating health care reforms. This was done through winning the approval of the congress on a budget resolution regarding the matter. In his campaign and since Obama has heavily criticized the bush administration for ignoring the situation there and focusing too much on Iraq. At the onset of his campaign, Obama promised to withdraw all United States troops from Iraq, within 16 months, though he has laxed on this view, his actions seem to be more anti-war and catious. Analysts have commented that Obamas view on United States emphasis being on Afghanistan as a politically correct stand on the issue. Moreover, the Obama administration broke supported the United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity and relaxed the enforcement on marijuana laws. It also lifted the ban on embryonic stem research put in place since the Bush administration. Obama also ordered the closure of the Guatanamo bay detention camp in Cuba which was notorious for the infringement of human and detainee rights. Comparison of the two presidents with the federalists and anti-federalists views When comparing the presidencies of the Bush and Obama administrations against the federalists and anti-federalist views it is significant to deem what these citizens based their views on. The Anti-federalists were of the opinion, at the time of founding, that Congress and the executive b ranch of the government wielded too much power. They were also of the opinion that vthe constitution gave too much national power at the expense of the state governments. Additionally they were displeased by the lack of a bill of human rights within the constitution. The federalists, on the other hand responded that the powers were separated into three autonomous branches protected the rights of the people. Each branch was in fact representing a different aspect of the people and as all three were equal, there was fair say among all the branches and thus equity among the people. With this perspective in mind, we can now compare the two presidents. Former president Bush was largely conservative and this was evident through the socio-economic problems that his administrations actions caused. Thus it can be seen that he would largely fit in with the anti-federalist group. Furthermore, his actions to weaken the federal government so as to strengthen the conservative side of the government wing show that he is more anti-federalist than a federalist. President Obama, however, would more fit in with the federalist group. His actions largely bordering on developing policies that benefit all Americans equally show a federalist nature. His call to strengthen the federal government and his actions of abandoning the Bush administration policies further reinforce this fact. Though it can be seen that through his action, President Obama is setting into the mold of a federalist it is still too young in his presidential term to conclude on the issue. Conclusion Though neither president exactly fits into the mould of either federalists or anti-federalists, it can be summarized that through their actions during their term of presidency, George. W. Bush was more of an anti-federalist and President elect Barrack Obama more of a federalist.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Future in Cyberpunk :: Genre Literature Science Fiction Essays Papers
The Future in Cyberpunk Works Cited Missing The defining characteristics of the cyberpunk genre have been debated since the beginnings of the literary movement. Some authors, classified as cyberpunk, question the very existence of this label, while others are in constant disagreement about the traits that make up the literature. Authors such as Bruce Sterling believe that cyberpunk is the integration of technology and literature in a world where the gap between science fiction and reality is rapidly closing; however, others such as Lewis Shiner have formed the opinion that this literature is merely a product of pop culture, hence it should not have any true literary importance. Furthermore, cyberpunk is said to be the voice of the underground in modern society, and the vision of a new technological world. These theories represent the different views of the major authors in this genre, thus it becomes difficult to define a literary style from such opposing views. A more constructive method is to analyze the major characteristic s and styles used in the stories considered as cyberpunk. The negative portrayal of the integration of technology and society is a fundamental tenet of the literature, because it presents a pessimistic vision of scientific advancement. The genre's dark tones, seen in the styles of it's major authors, emphasize the bleak images throughout the futuristic fiction. The constant conflict between the individual and a technologically advanced society is a major theme of the genre, for it stresses man's insignificance. These characteristics are interwoven into the fabric of cyberpunk and form a bleak image of science fiction and the future. The issue of technology and its integration into society is a major pillar of most science fiction; however, it is not an essential feature of cyberpunk. The concepts of cyberpunk literature are futuristic, but technology is not prevalent in the literature. In "Rock On" synthesizers, special effects, lasers, and other virtual objects bring forth images of the future and technology. But the major theme revolves around the fact that the main character is trapped in the constructs of this world. Another example is seen in "The Girl Who Was Plugged In", because the author took much care in trying to explain the possible scientific advances, yet again the major theme in the story is the character's struggle to find her individuality amongst the technology. Much of science fiction is about how the individual uses the technology to overcome the problems that confront him, conversely in the realm of cyberpunk the character's individuality is in conflict with the impersonalness of technology.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
future of multimedia Essay -- essays research papers
Multimedia future†¦ There seems to be a rising flourish of enthusiasm about Internet courseware and multimedia. Additional individuals learn, the more they want to learn. For example, once their essential classes Web pages are complete, instructors often decide that they want pictures, then perhaps some audio, then animation, then. There are a number of advantages to using audio over the Internet. Professors are able to create archived lectures or live broadcasts, allowing for asynchronous or synchronous communication. They have been experimenting with live audio broadcasts, and they see an advantage in the interaction: students can call in (similar to a talk radio show) and talk to the professor, rather than passively listening. Audio over the Internet also allows instructors to provide guest lecturers from all over the world at low cost. The capacity to archive these presentations makes them available at times convenient for students for review, or for the first time if they miss a live presentation. The current advantages and disadvantages of multimedia online are multimedia allows people to communicate more effectively online. I believe that with technology like 3-D modeling and virtual reality, people from different places will be able to work in groups to construct projects over the Internet. I also see multimedia as a shape of self expression: it enables the creator to add personality to a website or course. Multimedia, whether in the form of video, animation or a ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Managerial Approach to Marketing
The product that I will be proposing in the meeting will be a video game called FaDream. FaDream’s platform will be connected to the FaDream Game Portal. This website will have a collection of downloadable games for the users.The users of FaDream will have to get the membership to the FaDream Game Portal in order to gain access to numerous games of all sorts. They will be charged with membership fees every month in order to stay connected. Besides this they will have to get a platform with remotes, virtual gaming equipment, etc.There have been video games in the past but what makes this one different from the rest is that this video game will only work once it is connected to the internet. It will be linked to a website called which will have a collection of downloadable games.People might argue that such technology is nothing new because of the online games present on the internet through the computer. FaDream cannot be compared with online gaming b ecause the experience that the players will get with FaDream will be unmatched. What makes this product new is the quality, availability and variety of games present at all times.There will be no more hassle of buying expensive CDs from the store and taking care of them. There will be no more hassle of repairing the sensitive lens in the video game platform. All the users will need is the platform and an internet connection. The technology will be successful because of widespread use of internet already all over the world. Another factor which makes this different from everything else in the market is the affordability.FaDream will be Entertainment with Affordibiltiy. The price of the platform will be a fraction of what is paid for other video games in the market and this is what makes this product is feasible. To be more precise the price range of the platform will fall within $80 to $90 and besides this the membership fees will be approximately $7 per month.This is all about the p roduct and price of FaDream. This project will be joint venture with XYZ Company which already has a name in the market in order to gain confidence of its audience.The target audience that we will be satisfying with this technology will be middle class males and females within the age range of 8 to 30 years. The age range is so large because of the variety of games available on the FaDream portal. It has games for every gender and age. It will be advertised in magazines all over the world. Other mediums of advertisement that will be used will be the internet and television.The logo which will be used for advertisement will be Entertainment with Affordability. After an intense advertisement campaign which will inform the audience about the product, FaDream will be launched worldwide. After this launch, the advertising strategy will be changed and the advertisements will become persuasive. Once the audience has knowledge about the product, they will have to be convinced that they need to have it with them.In conclusion, this product is totally new in the market and this is its strength but we must not forget that the market has been taken over by very strong competition. Getting people to recognize FaDream from among every other video game will be a threat and a challenge. We must ensure that the marketing strategy that will be employed by us must have no limitations because a good marketing strategy will be our only opportunity. Â
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Are There Any “Winners†in War? Essay
War is not a game people play to win prizes or gain recognition for their skill. After one side surrenders, and a treaty is signed, one side does go home feeling like a winner. Both sides suffer irreplaceable losses. For this reason, there are no true winners in war. Some people may feel that they came out of the war victoriously, but as Agatha Christie said, To win a war is as disastrous as to lose one. For example, in the American Revolution, we won, but is it really victory when 8,000 Americans died on the battlefield? We lost more soldiers than the British lost during that war, yet we came out of it looking like winners. Theres a reason that every country that participates in war is a loser, whether they lost more men, they didnt get what they wanted out of the war, or they started the war and caused all the deaths that took place within it. So far 3,974 soldiers have died since the war was launched in Iraq on March 20, 2003. More than 81,000 Iraqis have died in the same war. These lives can not be replaced. These atrocities can not be mended. The moment lives are disrupted, and the moment a life ends, you have officially lost the war, even if it hasnt ended yet. When a soldier is sent to war, their loved ones hope for their safe return, but all the while knowing that some will be lost along the way. And all they can do is hope that their loved one will not be one of the thousands that die. Numerous soldiers from both countries come home with severe injuries that affect how they will live for the rest of their life. 29,320 American troops alone have been wounded in the Iraq war. They are not able to do things they once could and they often regret joining the army. Because of the appalling events that soldiers are subjected to, they often return from battle with harsh psychological effects, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I man I know has slept with a weapon in hand for thirteen years after coming back from being in the war. He sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and thinks he is in combat. He frantically looks for his gun and screams for someone to give him orders. Some Soldiers also have survivors guilt, and they feel bad that they made it out alive but a friend didnt. In addition, some soldiers may feel remorseful over killing somebody, and from there on live a lamented, guilt ridden life. Most people who are involved with war go through at least one of these things, which is another reason that nobody comes out of war being a winner. The countries involved in the war suffer economically as well. For example, the United States has spent almost 500 billion dollars on the war in Iraq, which could have been forestalled. Instead of using this money to support war, it could be donated to hospitals, or used to help find cures to diseases. Using the money for these causes would benefit us to a great extent, unlike using the money for war. Iraq will have to rebuild their country because of all the destruction we have caused over there, which will also cost a lot of money. Regardless of who wins according to who drops or surrenders first, both sides lose. Neither side wins because neither side was courageous enough to go about their disputes in a means other than war. They couldnt come to a consensus over how to solve their problems. Adults should act like adults and work out their problems through conversation instead of acting through violence, because if they fail to do so, the consequences will be extremely unpleasant. In war, you always lose more than you gain. You may get what you went to war for in the first place, but in the process you have lost so much that it just isnt worth it. There are no winners in war, just survivors. bibliography:
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue
Based on Amy Tan’s â€Å"Mother Tongue†it is evident that language has an affect on our lives. Language defines the type of person I am generally and it has had an affect on my choices as well as my lifestyle. Depending on my friends, family, and others I talk to my choice on language tends to vary. My decisions in life, sometimes, are influenced by the language I use and my surroundings. Language has become my way of seeing life in a different perspective. In Amy Tan’s â€Å"Mother Tongue†she discusses the way the language that she was taught affected her life in so many ways. I can agree and relate to Tan’s article since I as well came from a bilingual home. I respected my parents so I always honored the language they spoke, most of the time I believe I spoke their language out of habit, it was our language as a family. In Tan’s article she quotes â€Å"So easy to read†(Tan 391) when she spoke about her mother’s verdict on her book. I had a similar story occur in my family since my mother had a tough time reading and understand english while I was growing up. I honored the way she defended herself even with her â€Å"broken†english and taught me that language is just a way of seeing the world depending on your language you can determine the way you want to go. I grew up in a bilingual family in which my mother spoke only spanish and my father spoke both english and spanish. At home I used to only talk spanish to make my mother feel comfortable in our conversations. Many of my decisions growing up were influenced by my spanish backgrounds to some its just a language but when you speak a different language you see the world differently. Amy Tan states â€Å"It has become our language of intimacy†(Tan 385), in which I can relate to. Speaking spanish at home became our language, the language we could all connect to and understand each other, it was our language. My mother specifically taught me to be intrepid in my choice of language. Since spanish was my language at home that didn’t mean I spoke it around friends. I grew up with a mix of friends some hispanic some african americans. It is important to understand that what your friends speak affects the way you speak as well. Some of my friends used â€Å"slang†. Even though I wasn’t raised speaking in â€Å"slang†over the years I sort of picked up on what my friends spoke. Due to that, some of my decisions around my friends such as the food, books, movies I chose to buy were affected by the language we spoke around each other. I didn’t quite notice the change of language I had around my family then around my friends until I used to mistaken & speak spanish around my friends and â€Å"slang†around my parents and either one would correct me. Due to the way I was used to talking to my friends affected making new friends and the type of friends I looked forward to making. Job opportunities growing up were sort of limited due to the fact I was never taught how to properly talk to professionals. In some job interviews, depending on who was interviewing me, I would either talk in some sort of â€Å"slang†or spanglish. It obviously didn’t help me much and I never had a stable job. Once I got older and was associating myself with other people who spoke what is called â€Å"proper english†I actually matured and saw that there were so many opportunities for those who spoke the language everyone found â€Å"acceptable†or â€Å"correct†. The more time I spent with those friends the more I learned about the world and actually my choice of language improved as well as my vocabulary. In Jeannette Walls book â€Å"The Glass Castle†language played a large part in their family. They were a dysfunctional family being raised wherever they were able to rest their heads and find food to eat. Rex Walls, the father of 3 Walls children, spoke english but in a way it was unique he used words that only his family understood. Even though others viewed them as weird, dysfunctional, unfit people they understood each other, they spoke the same language. Rex would use quotes such as â€Å"Being homeless is an adventure†, anyone would see that as something somewhat negative no one wants to be homeless, but his family understood where he was coming from. They were homeless and would sometimes go hungry but they always had strange adventures such as giving stars as christmas gifts, selling rocks, exploding science experiments and running away in their car never knowing where they might end up. Depending on my choice of language I do believe others view me a certain way. But my language defines me whether it might be â€Å"correct†or â€Å"broken†to others. Language has played a big role on many of my decisions in life. It has become my way of seeing life and the world a certain way. Language affects my choices as well as my lifestyle. Doesn’t quite matter the language you speak, it is evident that it plays a large part in everyone’s lives.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
How are the ideas of legitimacy and identity used in politics and Essay - 1
How are the ideas of legitimacy and identity used in politics and social movements - Essay Example They seemingly claim to fight for minority rights, equity, or fairness but on the sidelines, they advocate for external interests like cessation, revenge, exploitation of foreign resources, political supremacy, or independence. One of such groups may include the whites in the world. Indeed, the Whiteman is arguably the most powerful ethnic group in the world and is physically set apart from other groups. Actually, the whites enjoy many privileges in the world as compared to other groups though they constantly deny that (McIntosh Web). We have seen in various occasions, the whites receiving favors in accessing resources like education, health care, and even employment. At the same time, they hold a certain identity from their language, color, and way of doing things, and quest to remain powerful, and most innovative (McIntosh Web). Indeed, when the whites went to Africa and other nations during the colonial period, they had the pretense of spreading Christianity and discovering new things yet it is logical that they sought to expand their dominance in the world, exploit resources in those countries, acquire free labor, spread their western culture, and influence the political direction in those countries. M ost recently, the whites in America will always seek to have their say in the politics and public debates of the most powerful nation on the world. Indeed, when Obama was seeking presidency questions of whether he is white or black took center stage. Additionally, the white in America influences world politics in the name of advocating for democracy. Indeed, most Arab countries that experienced the Arab Spring equally encountered the white influence where the whites called for and aided the removal of political leaders in those countries. In doing this, the whites presumably occupied a strategic position to benefit from the woes of such nations. Actually, the whites claim to fight for and hold the world democracy yet they only assent to laws that
Monday, October 7, 2019
BUSINESS LAW I (BUS 231) contract six ways an offer may be terminated Essay
BUSINESS LAW I (BUS 231) contract six ways an offer may be terminated - Essay Example Although, in some instances, a person under below 18 years may be forced to sign an agreement but this depends on the contract type. First, it should have a subject of an agreement. The subject should indicate the conditions or contract terms made between two people. Therefore, the subject should have a permitted policy or legal matter. Secondly, the agreement should be considerable. Consideration is a valuable element in a contract, and it consists of the legal damage and negotiation. A legal damage is an agreement of refraining from causing damage. The purpose of this element is to ensure that there should be a negotiation rather than making inquiries in case one party is subjected to a loss or not (Keenan and Sarah 56). Thirdly, it should be competent to form an agreement. In this case, competency needs a minimum age and psychological capability of understanding the agreement. For instance, organization can engage in contracts but through actions of the required labor force who are competent in binding the contract. Fourthly, it should have lawful relationship meaning that the purpose of the agreement is to pr oduce legitimate relations. Lastly, the agreement ought to have an offer and be acceptance. This means that the parties involving in the contract should make a bid or tender. Therefore, the tender should be acceptable meaning that it should provide satisfaction and meet the required standards for a reason. In this case, one party makes a tender and another one accept it because sometimes misunderstandings may occur. Therefore, the offer should satisfy both parties and have some evidence connected in conduct manifesting the agreement for both parties involved in the contract. There are varied ways through which an offer may be terminated. First, through revocation whereby the offeror may cancel the agreement before the offeree admits it. This is termed as revocation or invalidation; thus, the offer will be
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Managment Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managment Accounting - Essay Example It can be viewed that the business models adopted in the visual arts sector in the nation are relatively inefficient due to inadequate financial support. In this regard, almost every visual arts sector is seemed to be undercapitalized. The arts sector is facing ample challenges to retain a sustainable performance in this competitive business environment. In this context, the major challenges that face by arts sector in England include cultural aspects, free entry strategy and inability in tackling factors that are accountable for under performance. The sector has been facing the aforementioned challenges mainly due to limited investment of funds and inappropriate allocation of financial resources (Royce, 2011). In relation to the arts sector of England, it can be viewed there is a lack of income which is generated from the entry tickets due to the provisions of free entry. Free entry of visitors in relation to this sector is often regarded as a blessing for public, but this practical implication has led towards inadequate public funding. In this respect, these organisations are more inclined towards incompetency and inefficient performance in the present competitive business environment. Consequently, inadequate availability of public funding has restricted the organisations associated with arts sector in allocating funds for development, maintenance and repair. It can be affirmed that the implication of free entry will be effective in attracting a huge number of customers, but will not facilitate the organisations to obtain adequate funds for complying with future requirements and making greater development. Respectively, the organisations, with inadequate revenues will be unable to meet the requirements of the business costs. Moreover, the... This paper descusses from the above discussion, it can be affirmed that the present business scenario is incessantly changing due to gaining momentum of globalisation and prevalence of extreme business market competition. In this changing business market conditions, organisations are required to develop appropriate strategies and plans in order to maintain sustainable growth and performance. The arts sector in England is surrounded with certain threats that include operational inefficiency and ineffective allocation of financial resources within the context of competitive business environment. In this regard, this sector should adopt efficient business models with the objectives of performing in a sustainable way. In relation to the arts sector of England, it can be viewed there is a lack of income which is generated from the entry tickets due to the provisions of free entry. Free entry of visitors in relation to this sector is often regarded as a blessing for public, but this practical implication has led towards inadequate public funding. In this respect, these organisations are more inclined towards incompetency and inefficient performance in the present competitive business environment. This report makes a conclusion that management accounting is often viewed to be an important business tool which helps organisations in making better decisions and suitably maintaining financial resources at large. Specially mentioning, the statement of Royce can be identified to hold positive viewpoints about the formation of efficient business models for better management of the arts sector. On the other hand, Taylor holds opposing viewpoints about the need of forming effective business models, as this might increase the complexity of business operations and procedures by a certain degree.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
An Examination of Community Acceptance in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essay
An Examination of Community Acceptance in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery - Essay Example Thus, the entire community evolves into a monstrous entity consuming itself, the ramifications of which hinge upon the acceptance of the individuals involved, as will soon be examined. Yet a result cannot happen without cause. Therefore, one must examine both the origins of the lottery as well as its ongoing impact, as will be discussed through the course of this paper. To understand the full impact of the lottery upon the community, one must first understand what the ritual and the black box represent. They symbolize, in a more modern from, the nature of society to hold onto ceremony beyond the origins of its purpose. This is comparable to the pagan holidays that survived the arrival of the Christian calendar by either being adopted under a new guise or tolerated despite disapproval. The former exists in such parallels of Christmas or Easter to traditional seasonal celebrations; the latter is found in the example of Halloween. The lottery itself falls more in the realm of Halloween - indeed, is held in the same area used for Halloween activities - as it seems an act of sacrifice whose origins no one can recall. Yet the superstitious adherence is evident not only in the fact that it is still practiced, but also in the reverence with which the citizens hold the box, which despite its dilapidation, is believed to contain portions of the original box used by the founders of the village. Other aspects of the event the "tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly every year," as well as a "ritual salute" given by the official prior to each participant drawing from the box, only reinforce both the ritualistic and pagan aspects of the sacrifice. Perhaps Old Man Warner's saying of "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon." is most exact roots of the process. Regardless, the fact that these social pleasantries, along with other traditional paraphernalia, have been abandoned indicates that whatever fear initiated the lottery originally made a strong enough impression in the collective psyche that the ritual is continued beyond its need. The lottery has become the appendix of the civic body: useless, its purpose obsolete yet still deadly. Whatever the initial justification for this yearly atrocity, the true evil is its continuation, both in blindly following tradition without reason and the social pressure of conformity. Old Man Warner, as the eldest member of the community, seems to represent the general opinion of the community, calling the north village a "pack of crazy fools" for discussing a cessation of their lottery, prophesying a regression to dwelling in caves if the abandon this element of 'civilization'. The most frightening aspect of the entire event is the casual aspect of human nature regarding public execution. Hangings have been cause for morbidly lighthearted social gatherings for centuries however, the blas attitude the villagers have about an event that may very well cause their own demise is chilling. It is a comment on the horrible feedback loop that the lottery has caused, for, once the necessity of the sacrifice is accepted without question, the community accepts it as just another "civic activ ity". Being selected by the lottery is then like jury duty, or rather being drafted, with the understanding that the individual
Friday, October 4, 2019
MGMT402 U 5 DB2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MGMT402 U 5 DB2 - Research Paper Example When a person uses this information to judge an individual based on the analysis of the group’s information, then it can be called statistical discrimination. Unconscious bias takes place when an employer takes perceived notions about a specific group of people and makes use of the notions to influence decisions. These two sorts of discrimination show similarity in that they are both involuntary means of discrimination. Statistical information is presumed to be factual, but they should not be used as determinants of hiring practices. The information used in unconscious bias in the society is in the form of societal influences and personal experiences (Delahaunty, &Foote, 2011). Both theories do not support the need for antidiscrimination laws and policies. This is because they are based on assumptions that discrimination is a function of psychological processes. The support of antidiscrimination laws and policies requires the defense of the principles that are normative and which justify the application of the laws to the forms of discrimination. The law has raised standards aimed at the elimination of discrimination at work (Delahaunty, &Foote, 2011). This has created an impact towards reduction of discrimination determined by psychological processes. New antidiscrimination laws have provided an attitude in the minds of both employers and employees. The distance in power at the workplace instills fear of the minority groups who fear losing their jobs, hence do not report any form of discrimination. Antidiscrimination laws based on religious beliefs are not relevant to the current times. The laws provide that certain members should not attend work on certain days for them to worship. Most of the employees take advantage of their employers, in that, they neither attend work nor attend worship meetings. Most of the employees use their time to unwind. Current exemptions for such employees based on religion are arbitrary and outdated. Nobody
Thursday, October 3, 2019
A Raisin in the Sun - “Success†Essay Example for Free
A Raisin in the Sun â€Å"Success†Essay Success. Webster’s dictionary defines it as â€Å"The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted; the gaining of fame or prosperity.†Although to truly understand the meaning of success, one needs to understand the relationship between success and goals. Success can simply be accomplishing your goals, but can also have a deeper meaning, such as personal growth. In the book A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, the Younger’s, Walter and Lena especially, are portrayed as a typical African American family in the 1950’s, trying to fight the prejudices that haunt every aspect of their lives. Lorraine Hansberry takes us through the journey of the Younger’s as they attempt to accomplish their dreams and achieve success. Overall, despite the obstacles they face such as racism, sexism, and dishonesty, Walter Lee and Lena â€Å"Mamma†Younger achieve success to certain extents; Walter achieves complete personal success and Mamma is completely successful in her goal to buy a house for her children and Travis. Walter Lee Younger reaches personal success by achieving personal growth and improvement. In the beginning of this book, Walter is irresponsible and selfish which is shown through many occasions such when Mama tells Walter â€Å"Ruth is thinking ‘bout getting rid of that child.†(75) And later â€Å"Walter†¦ has obviously been drinking.†(pg. 77) Essentially, Walter learns that his wife is pregnant and thinking of getting an abortion, and being the irresponsible selfish man he was, he went out and got drunk. Additionally, we learn that Walters’s investment did not work out and Mama asks him about his sister Beneetha’s money and he says â€Å"Mama†¦ I never†¦ went to the bank at all†(pg. 129) This quote indicates how utterly conceited he really was, to throw all of his sister’s money laid out for her tuition just for his own investment. It also shows that he no longer has any self worth or pride in himself or his family, which is obviously greatly valued throughout the family. At the end he ends up losing the money, for which most people would look at him as unsuccessful, but at the end of the book, he truly does he redeem himself. On pg. 148 Walter invites Linder over and intends on forfeiting any pride left and getting on his knees to beg for money, but instead something incredible happens. His intended message was forgotten when he looks upon his son and family and a renewed sense of self worth and value possesses him as he says â€Å"We have decided to move into our house because my father- my father- has earned it for us brick by brick†¦ we don’t want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors.†(148) Through this one quote, Walter’s self growth is apparent as he finally stands up for his family and transitions into an honest, caring man as opposed to the selfish boy he was at the beginning of the book . As a result of this personal growth, Walter Lee Younger has attained absolute personal success. Throughout the book A Raisin in the Sun, Lena Younger, aka Mama, has been portrayed as the overbearing, but caring mother and grandmother whose main goal seems to be to buy a real house for her children and grandchild. This goal is made apparent on when she finally buys the house and says â€Å"Well- at least let me tell him something, I want him to be the first one to hear†¦ Come here, Travis.†(pg. 90) This quote shows her obvious love and fondness for her beloved grandson and later on she says â€Å"You glad about the house? It’s going to be yours when you get to be a man.†(pg. 91) These quotes clarify her dreams to move into a new house to make Travis happy and they are accomplished when after Walter’s speech, Linder questions her approval and she firmly states that â€Å"My son said we was going to move and there ain’t nothing left for me to say.†(148) Lorraine Hansberry then ends her book with the Younger’s finally leaving their apartment behind, showing that in the end, Mama did accomplish her dream and was successful in her goal of moving into a new house for her family. Throughout Lorraine Hansberry’s novel A Raisin in the Sun, Lena and Walter Lee Younger face many prejudices and obstacles in the way of accomplishing their dreams, but in the end they are successful.
Airport Planning, Operations and Management
Airport Planning, Operations and Management Lakshmi Vadlamoodi In Airport Development planning, what is the importance of an airport master plan, what is its purpose and what are some of the challenges that may be faced in its development? An Airport Master plan is a document which provides an overview of the airport, and discusses the long-term issues using the current existing plan (Ruiz-Celada, 2014). There are many elements that contribute towards airport development which includes environmental factors, land use, government, route development, and many other factors (Ruiz-Celada, 2014). The Purpose of a Master plan is to provide future vision and is used to predict future problems. Master Plan should be thoroughly evaluated every five years or more often if needed (De Groot, 2017). It is also used to depict the range of cost for the airport growth, so that it helpful for planning financially (Skipp, 2006). The Master plan provides the public the need of the airport and the potential uses (Airport Plan, 2016). It also provides details about the development process (or a big picture) of the airport, the precautions taken and the standards maintained (Growth forecasts and developments objectives, 2014). However, there are challenging as well. Some of the major challenges faced when planning includes budgeting for buying new material, which are expensive; constantly upgrading technology trends (Glass Flight Deck); passenger forecasting (uncertainty of passenger capacity); and ultimately the revenue (Stringfellow, 2013). For example, Sydney airports guiding principle is to maximize benefits for the passengers and the aviation community considering the stakeholders as well. Balancing of the activity more evenly throughout the airfield, terminals and roads reduce congestion and improve terminal infrastructure utilisation (De Groot, 2017). Another example is Melbourne Airports Master Plan, which is a Mid-term Development plan. Its concept provides a snapshot of the future passenger traffic which increases to 64 million (Passengers per year) by 2033. The Master Plan also states that the Domestic and the International terminals are being merged soon (De Groot, 2017). Therefore, Melbourne Airport uses its Master Plan to develop their airports revenue. Thus, a Master Plan plays a vital role in Airport Development. Explain the importance of non-aeronautical revenue for airports and the challenges faced by contemporary airports in planning for the future generation of non-aeronautical revenue? Contemporary airports struggle to get profits if they continue to rely on their passengers and airlines for profit, hence airports are diversifying their sources of income through Non-Aeronautical Revenue (Marello, 2015). It is the income of the airport which excludes aeronautical activity such as commercial flying, as this is a dominant source of income which provides profits for the airport business (Non-Aeronautical Revenue, 2013). They are acquired from sources like parking lots, Car rentals, accommodation, retail, food/beverage and duty-free shops on the airport land. They are also increasing the freight and cargo facilities to expand their sources of income (Marello, 2015). Research says that 40% of an average global airports revenue is derived from the Non-Aeronautical Revenue sector (Concessionaire Analyser+, 2016). Increasing pressure on aeronautical revenues have been proved to be beneficial for promoting airports to further develop alternative revenue sources, which results in the increase of the profit margin (Concessionaire Analyser+, 2016). However, the global airports revenue sector will continue to face challenges ranging from pressure on passenger-driven non-aeronautical revenues to a possible oversupply of airport retail space (Lee, 2015). Non-aeronautical sector has therefore turn out to be a key element which influences the airports performance mostly (Non-aeronautical Revenue, 2007). Car parks, Car rentals and accommodation are fast-growing sources of revenue for the airports (De Groot, 2017). A total of 22% of airports car park is contributed towards Non-aeronautical revenue, at Brisbane airport (De Groot, 2017). Airports predict future passenger traffic, and the air traffic for estimating the investment in improving the infrastructure of the airport, as traffic forecasts provide criteria for both facility and financial planning (De Groot, 2017). The influence of Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) has also influenced in increasing attention on Non-aeronautical sector (Assessing the Non-Aviation Performance, 2008). The global airports must aim to attract new target market into the duty-free shops; food and beverage (Lee, 2015). Also, it must aim to expand the target market further for it to increase the revenue and ultimately, the profit margin. How does the dominance of airport security challenge planning for non-aeronautical revenue generation by contemporary airport management and how can it be better managed in the future? There are possible increased threats in the contemporary times, especially at the airports. It is said that airport security plays an important role in a passengers journey (Lee, 2015). Security is increasing in Aviation to make passengers feel secured and easier for them to travel. The industry is implementing many new methods of security to minimise the risk at an airport and meet the new safety standards made (The challenge for airline security, 2017). Airports are always looking to improve the efficiency of the airport security. When evaluating an airport, some key elements which need to be taken account are the potential threats such as thefts and attacks, environmental protestors such as terrorist attacks which can be harmful for the airport equipment such as the aircraft (Improving airport security effectiveness, 2017). For instance, there was a failed bomb attack in a flight from Amsterdam and was ready to land in Detroit in 2009. It was stated that the suspect was declared in the Not-to-fly category before this flight. The investigators wonder how he was cleared from the airport security at Amsterdam (TheCostaRicaFrog, 2009). Hence why, airport security is a top priority and a challenge for most of the airports (Security and Customs, 2017). The global airports have developed a better security system after that incident. It can also be a challenge because to make airports more safe and secured, the management need to invest more, thus the consequence could result in low profit margin. For improving airport security, there are a list of prohibited items which cannot be taken in the cabin luggage such as harmful substances and sharp objects. If any suspected/restricted objects are detected, then the passengers luggage will be individually verified (Airport security measures, 2017). The Airport security is a big sector for a passenger before they reach the boarding area to embark an aircraft. Furthermore, Passengers who are proceeding to the boarding area must remove all the electronic gadgets from their luggage and scan it through separately (Airport security measures, 2017). Predicting the passenger traffic and future air traffic will also help in planning financially for investing in the airport security. The predictions can be obtained by major airline manufactures. Overall, there are challenges in everything, provided the necessary precautions are taken (De Groot, 2017). References Airport plan Western Sydney Airport. (2016). 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