Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Youth Drinking in America Essay - 2683 Words
Youth Drinking in America The underage consumption of alcohol is a major obstacle in America. Current statistics show 35 percent of all wine coolers and 1.1 billion cans of beer are consumed each year by underage, illegal drinkers (Novello 455). Possibly the hardest fact to stomach is that children believe drinking is the thing to do (Benenson 38). Parents, educators, legislators, and lawmakers previously thought that peer pressure was to blame, however, that is no longer the issue. Underage drinking in America is primarily the cause of children trying to fit in (also known as social drinking), advertising that is aimed at underage drinkers, and inherited traits/genetics. We must understand that alcohol abuse is no longer just†¦show more content†¦in Olinger 1D). But how many children are drinking? A survey of 13,800 elementary students found that many children tried alcohol before they finished fourth grade, three in four middle school students reported alcohol was easy to get and, one in four high school students admitted to drinking (qtd. in Olinger 1D). Nationally, 50 percent of twelfth-graders admitted drinking alcohol over a thirty-day period (qtd. in Sowell 19A). And, [a]t least 90 percent of college students drink [alcohol] (qtd. in Benenson 35). Those opposed to these views argue that developmental studies generally pinpoint peer pressure to pre and early adolescents, thus older children are not subject to this pressure, and this is not a cause of underage drinking. However, peer pressure is not the issue. These children are not forced into drinking by their peers. They simply correlate drinking with acceptance, thus they drink to be accepted. Many experts view drinking as a natural occurrence for children, they state, They [children] are simply testing their limits (Benenson 36). If this is how our children view alcohol, they are viewing it in all the wrong ways. We must help them understand that alcohol will not help them fit in, it will only hurt them much sooner than later. Trying to fit in is not the only problem that causes underage alcohol consumption; advertising aimed at underage drinkers also contributes to the predicament.Show MoreRelatedThe Legal Drinking Age On America s Youth1749 Words  | 7 Pages In 1984, the legal drinking age was changed to twenty-one years of age. This change was made after the Prohibition. Studies during this time found that as the minimum legal drink age (MLDA) was lowered, there was an increase in youth traffic accidents. A study done after the legal drinking age was raised to twenty-one showed reduced youth drinking, youth drunk-driving, and accidents related to alcohol. The change of the minimum legal drinking age proved to be beneficial during this time period.Read MoreEmily Blair . Ms.Kaba. Research Paper. 13 May 2017. The1124 Words  | 5 PagesEmily Blair Ms.Kaba Research Paper 13 May 2017 The Legal Drinking Age is Not Working A problem that is becoming very prevalent throughout the United States is underage drinking. Although the legal age of alcohol consumption is twenty one, alcohol abuse still remains a significant problem with American youth. Almost all alcohol consumption by teenagers is done through binge drinking. In America the age of eighteen is when you are finally considered an â€Å"adult†. Although you are now considered anRead MoreProblem And Solution Of Underaged Drinking1553 Words  | 7 PagesKendra Gallos English III Sean Meisner 4/6/17 Problem and Solution of Underaged Drinking in America One of the major problems facing America s youth today is underaged drinking. This is simply defined as the consumption of any commercial alcoholic beverage while under the legal age restriction of twenty one. A solution is in dire need, as the problem causes exponential harm to many teen’s health. Underaged drinking has been the underlying cause of numerous fatalities over the past several decadesRead More America Must Lower the Drinking Age Essay981 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica Must Lower the Drinking Age The current drinking age in the United States of America is 21. There are some people who agree with the current drinking age even some who think it should be raised. On the other hand, a number of people feel that the current drinking age produces more problems than it prevents (â€Å"Cross Fire†). The United States has unsuccessfully tried prohibition legislation not once, but twice in the past. These laws were eventually done away with due to the inabilityRead MoreMinimum Legal Drinking Age : A Discourse Appraisal1452 Words  | 6 PagesLegal Drinking Age in America: A Discourse Appraisal You know an issue has evoked large levels of community discussion when interest groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and rappers like J-kwon are telling us the same thing: teen drinking is very bad. But discussion on the topic tends to vary far more than that. Congress discussed the issue in 1984, with the National Minimum Drinking Age Act: an act that withheld federal highway funding from states without a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA)Read MoreNegative Effects of Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age in America1292 Words  | 6 PagesWhen looking at the drinking age in many nations, a trend of relatively young minimum legal drinking ages (MLDA) can be seen around the world. As it stands, all of America’s 50 states employ a MLDA of 21 making America one of only seven countries in the world to have a drinking age set at 21; the oldest age set as the minimum legal drinking age in the world. Where many of our friends in Europe are happily drinking away at 18, ma ny here in America are left wondering why we don’t employ the same ageRead MoreThe Drinking Age Should Remain 18 in Australia1563 Words  | 7 PagesThe Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia The Drinking Age Should Remain 18 Years Old in Australia These days there are a number of social issues in the community, such as drug abuse, teenage pregnancy and alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is rampant in today’s society, Australian Drug Foundation states that, â€Å"Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive, or mood-changing, recreational drug in Australia.†(Healey, 2002, p. 11). Underage drinking and binge drinking are some of the problemsRead MoreEssay about Underage Drinking In America:1549 Words  | 7 Pagesstudents that get drunk on a minimum basis of one night a week (Foster, 1996). In Mexico I can be drunk any night of the week because of the 18 year old age limit on alcohol; so if I were in Mexico right now drinking, I would be drinking legally. Europe as well has very low or no drinking age laws at all. In Germany all you have to do is reach up to the counter and order a beer. In fact, mothers give their infants a substance called maltzbeir, which has several important proteins and carbohydratesRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Teenage Drinking725 Words  | 3 PagesTeenage drinking has become one of the largest social issues among young people in America today. Although more than half of high schoolers drink on a regular basis, the problem is that they are not aware of how dangerous alcohol can be. Although the health risks of heavy drinking are known and understood, the social habit continues to be accepted as a cultural norm. Is it surprising then, that the young people are beginning to drink at school ages. The reality is that alcohol is often the causeRe ad MoreDrinking Age1012 Words  | 5 PagesDrinking Age The drinking age was moved from 18 to 21 for a reason. The higher drinking age of 21 has saved many lives, helped reduce the amount of underage drinking, and therefore should not be lowered. Many studies from a large variety of sources have proven higher drinking ages have a positive effect on society. Alcohol is harmful to the development of younger people. Research has shown that an adult is less likely to binge
Monday, December 16, 2019
Unilever Business Manual Free Essays
Also the organization has set objectives that needs to be achieved. Goals of Milliner (termed â€Å"The compass Milliner strategy for sustainable growth†): ; This clearly outlines their vision for the future where their brands and services will be used all over the world thereby doubling the size of Milliner ; Decreasing damage caused to the environment and impacting society positively. Another aspect of this also includes improvement in the way of life of people in areas such as health, food, annotation, and opportunities within societies ; Combining its multinational competence with Milliner’s strong relationship in various cultures to provide a wide range of products to satisfy a range of users and also building strong relationships in new markets which will be of significance in the future growth of Milliner. We will write a custom essay sample on Unilever Business Manual or any similar topic only for you Order Now ; â€Å"Achieving significant growth objectives while decoupling growth from environmental and increasing our positive social impact is a bold but challenging vision†Milliner 1 CEO Paul Pullman. Milliner’s mission can be put into key points: Proving a daily better future for all. ; Helping personal image with Milliner’s brands and services ; To be an inspiration in taking action to benefit the world ; Doubling the size of its business ; Developing its products further to work towards its goal of doubling the size of its business ; Limiting environmental impact through innovation and developing effective and efficient ways to reach people Primary and Secondary goals On 1 5th November 2010 Milliner announced its plans of sustainability by or before 2020. These goals include: Acquiring 100% of its agricultural raw materials from sustainable sources. ; Improving hygiene for one million people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America through the usage of ‘lifebuoy’ soap thereby reducing diarrhea which is a large cause of infant mortality. ; Making safe water available though their low-cost water purifier called Purest which is produced in India and distributed to a half billion people across the world. ; Improving the living conditions of people in developing countries by collaborating with organizations such as Oxford. How to cite Unilever Business Manual, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Brief Insight Ira Terrorist Or Freedom Fighters free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper Brief Insight: IRA Terrorist or freedomfighters The IRA ( Irish Republican Army ) is an unofficial, paramilitary nationalist administration whose intent is to do British regulation in Ireland ineffective by the usage of armed force and to help accomplishing an independent democracy ( the full island ) by the fusion of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. This aim is pursued on a military degree by the IRA and on the political degree by the nationalist party, Sinn Fein ( Ourselves Entirely ) . These two administrations function independently. However their members overlap each other, so that rank in the former does non except rank in the other and frailty versa. Throughout this essay terrorist act will be defined as a systematic usage of or menace of physical or mental force against authorities, populaces or persons to obtain political aims, without foundation in lawfully accepted and publically known tribunals of jurisprudence. The definition of freedom combatants used will be a group or individual contending for independency and freedom, with a supportive bulk of the people it is contending for. The intent of this essay is to seek to give a possible reading of the IRA and what it is. The history of republican force reaches back every bit far as the eighteenth century, and in the late nineteenth century democracy groups killed the secretary of province for Ireland, and began to dynamite ground forces barracks and public offices in England. The IRA evolved in 1919 as a replacement to Irish Volunteers ( founded in 1913 ) . In the 70s IRA was divided into the official+ wing, working for a united Ireland in a radical, socialist democracy, and the provisional+ wing ( the Provos ) ( PIRA ) dwelling of younger, overtly sectarian Catholic members perpetrating to the usage of panic tactics to coerce British military personnels out of Northern Ireland to organize a incorporate Ireland. Their enthusiasm is drawn from a figure of historical rebellions, most significantly the Easter Rising in 1916. The Republicans have ever had a strong sense of bequest and historical symbolism. That might be why they still use military tactics. They have recognised that it has resulted in their disaffection, but they feel that if they give up now it would intend that those who died in the violent struggles throughout the yesteryear would hold died for nil. A via media is tantamount to give up. The PIRA illustrated this in 1978 by stating We can # 8217 ; t give up now and admit that work forces and adult females were sent to their Gravess for nothing+ . This attitude show their avidity of combat, at any cost, including terrorist Acts of the Apostless such as the recent bombardments in Manchester and London. The job of Northern Ireland is that it has a Protestant, unionist bulk while Ireland and the island as a whole has a Catholic, republican bulk. So if a hypotethical referendum refering separation from Great Britain was to be held who is to be included as electors? The Catholics say that the whole island should be included, while the Protestants, on the other manus, of course disagrees. British soldiers and British decision makers have neer brought anything but decease, agony, famishment, and untold wretchedness to this state. They will neer convey anything else until they get out+ . This ethos from Sinn Fein in the 70s amounts up how they feel that Britain has no moral right to govern over their state, and that they exploit the Irish and divide and deflect the people. The IRA seems to hold no scruples about the usage of terrorist tactics, and devastation in their cause. A well-known Republican, Danny Morrison stated in 1989 # 8230 ; when it is politically dearly-won for the British to stay in Ireland, they # 8217 ; ll travel # 8230 ; it wont be triggered until a big figure of British soldiers are killed and that # 8217 ; s what traveling to happen+ . Another ground for utilizing terrorist act is that today terrorist act # 8217 ; s public impact has been magnified by the usage of modern agencies of communications. Death, blood, force and devastation sell, non merely as a intelligence study, but today people are attracted to such as mentioned. So any act of terrorist act is guaranteed to pull media coverage, which brings the event into 1000000s of people and exposes the populace to the terrorists # 8217 ; demands, grudges and political ends. Such Acts of the Apostless are used as a mean of force per unit area towards the British Government, but at the same clip it will do it harder to acquire sympathy from ordinary people. It is these common people the IRA depend upon for fundraising, particularly from the Irish community in the U.S.. The usage of force besides tends to beef up the resistence from the victims and their governments. So it can be said that the usage of terrorist tactics is a double-edgedsword. In add-on to this the IRA uses public onslaughts, particularly in England, to emphasize the British economic system by interrupting day-to-day life, claiming England is the belly of the animal and that is where it hurts most+ . They might experience that England is so strong and resourceful in comparing to themselves, that they have to utilize the strongest mean available: force in the signifier of guerrilla warfare. In an effort to derive support from both Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland the IRA play down sectarian force and play up the Irish freedom Vs British Tyranni motive. This twelvemonth the U.S. has released terrorist list, dwelling of 30 groups, which are non allowed to raise financess in the States. This list omits the IRA. One ground why the IRA is non included is because of the many Irishmen in the U.S.A. , and the disposal is afraid to endure a loss of support from this group. Another obvious ground is that it is hard to do a distinct statement whether the IRA are terrorists of freedom combatants. President Clinton has, nevertheless, on several occasions condamned the IRA # 8217 ; s usage of force. But sing the U.S.A. has a really rigorous policy towards terrorist act, this list shows, if non back up, so at least non a concluding, judgemental point of view towards the IRA. The Sinn Fein has merely approximately 15 % of the ballots in Northern Ireland, and the remainder of the staying Catholic minority ballots ( about 40 % of the population ) goes chiefly to SDLP, which has a much less violent politic than the Sinn Fein has. Therefore, merely a minority of the minority supports the IRA. Therefore since non holding the support of the bulk upon whose behalf it claims to contend, neither from the Northern Irish population as a whole or the Catholic minority it weakens the claims from the IRA that they are freedom combatants. The most common sentiments around the universe today are sing the IRA to be terrorists, but the chief ground for this is that the universe is given a really humdrum position of the struggle from a Protestant, British point of position. British media is being watched and read by most of the English talking portion of the universe. Consequently this leads many to hold a Pro-British sympathic position in this struggle. To exemplify this nonreversible position one can look at the decease rates the respectively side are responsible for. The republican groups are responsible for approximately 50 % of the violent deaths in Northern Ireland, but, the stalwarts and the British Army, even though responsible for less violent deaths than the former, has a far bigger proportion of civilians among their victims than the republican groups have. This is a fact the BBC, The Times and other British newsgroups easy ignore. It is non merely the IRA who is utilizing terrorist act in this struggle. To some extent does the British Government every bit good, in that sense that they do non follow their ain jurisprudence. Many people have been arrested and imprisoned, without charges or likely cause of intuition. So it is easy to understand the IRA # 8217 ; s feelings that when Britain does non follow the jurisprudence, why on Earth should they? There are many illustrations throughout the history of Ireland that Britain has given the IRA excuses to intensify their menaces of force. The latest illustration is this summer, when the Government allowed Orange Order Marches through rock-ribbed Catholic countries. Actions such as this is of class improbably provocative for the Catholic population. The British Authorities hereby makes a base of back uping the Protestants alternatively of allowing the Marches go through Protestant and assorted vicinities and do a point of some kind of neutrality. Another illustration is the division of elctoral constituencies in Northern Ireland to procure a Protestant bulk every bit far as possible and as a consequence to a big extent procuring Protestant control of the public offices. The plantation policy and # 8220 ; Bloody Sunday # 8221 ; in January, 1972 are other illustrations. Alternatively of possibly holding an nonreversible Protestant policy, the Parliament could hold been somewhat more impersonal and gainined some hard-needed good will. It is hard, in which booth to put the IRA, terrorists or freedom combatants? They are non such distinct terrorists such as Baader-Meinhof or Black September, which merely have ( or had ) a bantam support in their respectively states, but neither are they freedom combatants on the same degree as for case, the opposition force in the German-occupied Norway during World War 2, which clearly had a bulk of the population back uping them. But the decision will be that the IRA will non hold, even if Ireland is included, a bulk back uping their # 8220 ; war # 8221 ; against Great Britain, and hence the IRA can non warrant the usage of terrorist tactics. Mentions: ASCHEHOUGS OG GYLDENDALS STORE NORSKE LEKSIKON ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNIC FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE TIMES CABLE NEWS NETWORK NBC New INTERNATIONALIST ( MAY 1994 ) 366
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper Essay Example
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper Essay Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, in Salzburg. His full name given during the baptism was Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart and he often called himself Wolfgang Amade Mozart. During his lifetime Mozart created more than 600 musical works, which have been widely popular during the last several centuries. Given the artist’s short lifespan the amount of work he created is especially stunning. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been and remains one of the most famous classical composers of all times and it seems that every musician after Mozart owes something to him. Mozart was born in Salzburg after his parents, Leopold and Anna Maria Pertl Mozart, moved there from Augsburg. His parents were musicians and already at the age of four little Wolfgang received his first music lesson. According to some sources, Mozart wrote his first piece of music at the age of eight, while other historians suggest that the future world-famous composer started writing music when he was five. At the age of six, Mozart was already performing for the first time, accompanied by his sister. Parents noticed early talent of little Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl and in 1763 took them on a three-and-a-half year tourney all over Germany and Western Europe. Children played in courts and public academies in order to entertain nobility. During this trip, Mozart wrote his first sonatas for piano and violin, which became his first published works, and the first symphony Es-Dur. During the trip, little Wolfgang became familiar with the Italian operas and symphonies. Probably even more important and influential was the meeting with Johann Christian Bach, who became Mozart’s hero and role model. We will write a custom essay sample on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After the long trip, the family came back to Salzburg. Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots (The Obligation of the First and Foremost Commandment) was composed by Mozart in 1767 together with two other older friends. During the smallpox epidemic the family decided to find refuge in Brunn und Olmutz, nonetheless, the sickness reached both Wolfgang and his sister even there. In the very beginning of the 1768, the family returned to Vienna, where the twelve-year-old composer finished Bastien and Bastienne, Waisenhausmesse and La finta semplice (The Pretended Simpleton). In 1769 Mozart’s father took him on the first out of three trips to Italy, which altogether with small interruptions lasted almost three and a half years. In 1770 in Rome the Pope Clemens XIV made young Mozart a knight of the Golden Spur Order, however, Mozart, unlike Christoph Willibald Gluck did not refer to himself as a knight. In Rome once or twice Mozart heard Miserere by Gregorio Allegri, which was kept in secret in the Vatican, and managed to write it down from memory almost without any mistakes. Padre Giovanni Battista Martini in Bologna taught Mozart counterpoint – correlation among several voices independent in contour and rhythm but harmonically interdependent; used in classical music, especially in Renaissance and in Baroque music. After an exam, he was accepted in the Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna. There he met many famous musicians like Giovanni Battista Sammartini, Niccolo Piccinni, Pietro Nardini and Giovanni Paisiello. In December 1770 Mozart’s opera seria Mitridate, re di Ponto was performed in Milano and was very successful. As a result, Mozart got two other assignments and composed Serenata teatrale Ascanio in Alba and Dramma per musica Lucio Silla. Both musical works were performed in Milano in the following two years. However, Mozart did not receive desired employment in Italy and in 1771father and son were forced to return to Salzburg. Mozart became a court musician in Salzburg. In 1773 Mozart wrote his first piano concert. His Dramma per musica Il re pastore was performed in Salzburg in 1775, however, was not very successful. Despite his employment in Salzburg, Mozart continued to travel with his father and in 1777 had to quit his job, which did not allow him to travel freely. Mozart wrote ballet music Ballettmusik Les petits riens, which was performed in Paris in 1778, but once again it did not bring further employment opportunities to the composer. Wolfgang returned to Salzburg, where he composed the Kronungsmesse (Coronation Mass) in 1779. In 1781 Mozart left Salzburg and moved to Vienna, where he worked as an independent composer and music teacher. After that year Mozart visited Salzburg only a few times. In 1786 opera buffa Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, or The Day of Madness) was performed and the following year drama giocoso Don Giovanni was performed in Prague. In 1790 in Vienna the public heard opera buffa Cosi fan tutte (Thus Do They All, or The School For Lovers) for the first time. In 1791 premiered both opera seria La clemenza di Tito (The Clemency of Titus) and die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute). Die Zauberflote was accompanied by text in German. During this time Mozart also wrote six string quartet devoted to Joseph Haydn, Linz Symphony (symphony No. 36 in C major), Prague Symphony (Symphony No. 38 in D major), Eine kleine Nachtmusik (in English: a little night music, Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major) as well as three last symphonies in Es-Dur, g-Moll, in C-Dur. In 1782 Mozart married Constanze Weber, who she met three years earlier in Mannheim. She gave birth to six children, of whom only two, Karl Thomas and Franz Xaver Wolfgang survived childhood. We do not know how Mozart suffered the death of his children, but it is possible to hear Mozart’s pain and sadness in Symphony no. 40 in G Minor, written when his little daughter Theresia died. Only several months after the premier of the Zauberflote Mozart died after spending weeks in bed. Now there are many speculations about what might have caused Mozart’s death. The composer himself was convinced that he had been poisoned. According to one of the well-known legends, Antonio Salieri poisoned the great composer, however, this legend has been largely discredited by modern scholars. Joseph Haydn had very high opinion of Mozart and considered him one of the greatest composers. Mozart himself wrote once: â€Å"As you know, I can more or less adopt or imitate any kind and style of composition.†It is one of the Mozart’s peculiarities throughout his life, he absorbed and incorporated music in various styles. His style was significantly influenced by south German and Italian music of the second part of the eighteenth century. Of course, the earliest influences can be traced back to his father and local composers in Salzburg. The connection between the father and the son was so big, that for a long time it was unclear which of the two composed â€Å"lambacher†symphonies and it is still debated how much influence and input Leopold Mozart had into his son’s early musical works. It is possible to suggest that father Mozart helped his son with the early symphonies. During the trips to Italy, Mozart became familiar with the local operas, which influenced his music later. Also counterpoint, that he learned from Padre Giovanni Battista Martini in Bologna, had great influence on the composer and his works. Mozart integrated his works counterpoint techniques and blended classic homophonic and baroque polyphonic styles. Mozart was an incredibly multifaceted composer. He is probably the only or at least one of the very few composers who created music in all genres of his time. He himself was very proud of that. In his collection were music for violin, flute, clarinet, horn, piano, chamber music, dance music, serenades, songs, canons, and masses. Mozart brought piano concerts closer to symphonies. Mozart himself played piano and violin. He wrote five concertos for violin, a clarinet concerto, four concertos for horn, two for flute, and both an oboe concerto and a bassoon concerto. The composer increased length and extent of individual works, which can be especially clearly seen in his symphonies. Mozart was very demanding, definitely more than his contemporaries when it came to the orchestra placement. He demanded a special unusual place for wind instruments. Especially in his later operas, Mozart was able to create compelling psychological and dramatic characters. He managed to connect the seemingly simple music with the complicated and demanding. It is stunning that Mozart was able to leave after his short life such amazing amount of work. His biographers claim, that he did not make rough drafts and always wrote a whole piece. â€Å"†¦ all witnesses of Mozart at work agree,†wrote Alfred Einstein, one of the Mozart scholars, „that he put a composition down on paper as one writes a letter, without allowing any disturbance or interruption to annoy him  the writing down, the fixing, was nothing more than that  the fixing of the completed work a mechanical act.†No doubt Mozart had talent and skills to compose music very quickly. Linz Symphony, for example, was written in only four days and the last movement of the famous Jupiter Symphony was written in a few days. Works Cited: Vigeland, Carl. The Mostly Mozart Guide to Mozart. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2009.
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